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July Book Giveaway

July 4, 2019 by in category Apples & Oranges by Marianne H. Donley tagged as , ,


To celebrate being the Featured Author of the Month, Tari Lynn Jewett is doing a book giveaway!

Book Giveaway #1 is her romantic comedy, #PleaseSayYes


Lucy Vaughn, aka @LucySchoolmarm, can’t believe her eyes when she wakes on New Year’s morning to find a message from a secret admirer on her favorite social media site, and everyone in town sees it!

Each day he posts a photo giving her a clue as to who he is with a message letting her know he intends to ask her out for Valentine’s and the hashtag #PleaseSayYes. Before she can decide what to do, the posts go viral, and the whole world weighs in on whether she should say yes or no.

Should she take a chance? Will social media bring them true love, or keep them from finding each other? Only chocolate, wine and advice from her girlfriends can help her now.

#ValentinesIsComing #SecretAdmirer #PleaseSayYes

To receive an ebook copy of Tari’s book, here’s the Bookfunnel link. This link doesn’t require a newsletter sign up. It’s just the book for free.

Book Giveaway #2 is the anthology, Charmed Writers Presents Flash Fiction 2019



A note from Tari: Welcome to the Charmed Writers 2019 Flash Fiction Anthology! Charmed Writers is a special group of authors who support each other, learn together, share their knowledge and write together. We write in various genres and are at different places in our careers. In these pages, you’ll find stories from USA Today, NY Times and Amazon best-selling authors, from authors well on their way to achieving those goals, and new voices being read for the first time. There are science fiction and fantasy stories, historical flashes, romances and so much more.

We hope you enjoy our stories, find some new favorite authors and that you’ll join us in our Facebook reader group The Charmed Connection.

Happy Reading

Tari Lynn Jewett


To receive an ebook copy of Flash Fiction 2019 here is the Prolific Works link.  Again, this link doesn’t require a newsletter sign up. It’s just the book for free. 

Just for fun, Tari’s also giving away ONE signed copy of #PleaseSayYes


For a change to win a signed copy (the paperback version) of #PleaseSayYes all you have to do is leave a comment on this post or one of one of Tari’s posts this month (July 2019). She will be posting on the 1st, 7th, 10th, 14th, 21st and 28th. There are, of course, a few rules:

  1. You must be 18 years or older to win.
  2. You must reside in the United States.
  3. Winner will be selected by a random drawing on July 31, 2019 and announce on A Slice of Orange August 4, 2019.
  4. If the winner selected doesn’t claim the book by August 11, 2019 by providing us with their mailing address, we’ll select another winner or donate the book to a library.
  5. Odds of winning the book will depend on the number of people leaving comments.


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Writing and Visual Arts: What Do They Have in Common? by Will Zeilinger

July 3, 2019 by in category Partners in Crime by Janet Elizabeth Lynn & Will Zeilinger tagged as , , ,

I’ve been a graphic designer/illustrator/cartoonist for most of my adult life, but as I approached fifty years on this earth, I finally began writing. The first things I wrote made no sense because I had no idea what I was doing. My writing experience had involved writing headlines and snippets of ad copy, as well as a stray brochure here and there.

What I learned from this transition was that different forms of writing are like creating artwork in various media.

Novel Writing and Oil Painting

Take writing a novel, for instance. I compare that to making an oil painting on canvas.  First, a sketch and color study is made of the proposed image.  The paint is selected and applied according to the artist’s plan. If alterations, changes, or corrections are needed, oil paints can be very forgiving as they take quite a while to dry.

The artist may want to repaint a section or replace parts that don’t work.  While the rest of the painting can remain undisturbed, one can use little paint thinner or turpentine in a cloth, and voila, the area can be repainted, over and over until it is just right. Some parts of the painting may be finished, but others may still be in a rough state.  Keep in mind; the oil paints take a long time to dry – days sometimes weeks to be totally dry.  A novel is much like that in that the writer has many pages to develop the story and create the story arc or arcs, while other parts of the story can develop separately until it is blended, shade, and glazed, and it all comes together.

Flash fiction and Water Colors

A short story or flash fiction I compare to making a watercolor painting. While both appear to be somewhat spontaneous—although they aren’t. Much preliminary planning must take place. First, quality watercolor paper must be selected and what colors will be applied first. Watercolor paints dry very quickly. Certain areas must be given a few minutes to dry, so when transparent layers are added, the whole thing does not become a muddy mess. Once it is on the paper, that’s it! No going back and changing it.

Some stunning watercolor art can be created with proper planning and bravery on the artist’s part.  Next time you look at a watercolor painting in a museum, look at how the artist makes the images with as few strokes as possible.  In writing, plots need to be simplified, and the number of characters reduced because the story has to do its job with fewer words on fewer pages quickly.  The story arc is going to be right up front.  Next time you read a short story or flash fiction, look to see how quickly the writer has to make their point.

Each type of writing requires a different mindset. The same goes for painting in various media.

Co-Writing and Fold Doodles

Now, how do these approaches apply to co-writing?  Have you ever played the “Fold Doodle” game? Someone takes a sheet of paper and folds it horizontally into narrow sections then draws the head of a person or thing on the top section. They fold that section under and another adds to the drawing on the next section then folds it over and passed it on. This process continues until the paper is used up. It is then unfolded to reveal the drawing by many different hands. Sometimes it is hilarious, other times a disaster.

People have asked us many times how we write together, and the answer is communication and planning.  Whether we are writing a novel, a short story, or a blog post, the best thing to do is check in with your co-writer along the way to make sure you are both in the right mindset for the story at hand and the results will be beautiful.







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Celeste Barclay Talks About Her Vikings

July 2, 2019 by in category Jann says . . . tagged as , ,


We are traveling back in time to the days of Vikings with author Celeste Barclay!

Celeste Barclay, a nom de plume, lives near the Southern California coast with her husband and sons. Growing up in the Midwest, Celeste enjoyed spending as much time in and on the water as she could. Now she lives near the beach. She’s an avid swimmer, a hopeful future surfer, and a former rower. When she’s not writing, she’s working or being a mom. Her newest book, FREYA Viking Glory Book Two released June 3rd.
You can find more information about Celeste on her website or by following her on social media:

Jann: The Clan Sinclair series released in April, 2018 is a great success. Will you still write more books for the Clan Sinclair?

Celeste: I will be returning to the Highlands before the year is out. I left room for characters who had cameos in His Highland Pledge and His Highland Surprise to have their own stories. The new series is tentatively called Highland Ladies and will be a spin off from The Clan Sinclair, following several of the ladies in waiting at Robert the Bruce’s court.


Jann: Why did you decide to start a Viking series? How long did it take you to research for this series?

Celeste: As a new author, I was still trying to find my groove.  Vikings interest me, and I’ve read numerous Viking romances. After I finished The Clan Sinclair, which was always intended to be five full lengths with a prequel novella, I wanted to try my hand at Vikings. I’ve enjoyed writing this series since some of the social norms are so different for couples; there’s more freedom in many ways to write a steamy story. Much of the historical information included in the books comes from my own running knowledge of European history, which I’ve studied and taught. The smaller details were researched as ideas came to my head, such as, wedding rituals. I couldn’t say exactly how long it took since I fell through the rabbit hole more than once, but the added knowledge is never a waste.


Jann: Leif, the first book in the Viking Glory series released on March 25th this year. For this book, which came first—plot, character or scene?

Celeste: I’ve been asked this type of questions before, and the answer is yes. They all come together roughly at the same time, but a scene is usually how it starts. My mind wanders as I’m falling asleep and scenes will form. If my brain returns to the same scene more than once, and the scene grows each time, then I know I have a story I want to tell. It germinates and flowers all at the same time.


Jann: Leif and Sigrid are wonderful characters. I loved them. Would you tell us today how they came about and their love story?

Celeste: I like reading and writing alpha males, but each of my male characters is willing to acknowledge his need for an equally strong female partner. I’ve read plenty of arranged marriage stories and even written them, but I wanted this to be a reverse arranged marriage where one family refused to consider it. I thought it would be interesting to have one character not only know, but see, the future relationship while the other had no idea. I wanted to create a female character who was strong enough to live a life with as many uncertainties as there were certainties, and one who could be patient as life progressed. Vikings believed heavily in the power of fate, so knowing that, it made it easy for Leif to fall in love quickly with Sigrid. Readers who might not know that about the Viking culture might wonder how their relationship could develop so quickly, but people do talk about love at first sight. There’s some of that in this story too.

It’s not an easy relationship when one person knows what will happen and the other is in the dark. It’s hard to be the one who must hold secrets while it’s just as hard to be the one who is left out. I wanted Sigrid and Leif to show their commitment to one another despite this sizable challenge. As a seer, Sigrid could only convey the events the gods planned; she could not influence them. Leif shows his commitment to Sigrid through his faith in her gift and his willingness to trust her. They could each have simply accepted their fate and that marriage was their destiny. Instead, they choose to build a solid and loving relationship the way they want and need it.


Jann: In this first book, your introduction of Freya, Bjorn, Strian and Tyra is fantastic. I can’t wait to read each of their stories. From your website, I see that Freya’s is next. Can you share a little bit about her story?

Celeste: Freya released at the beginning of June, and it was a fun story to write. She’s torn between her self-proclaimed need to prove herself as a shieldmaiden along her need to prove she can be jarl’s wife capable of running a home. She’s insecure in ways no one expects, and her persona of being fierce and untouchable is one she created as a protective wall. She doesn’t let many people get close, and Tyra is her only female friend before she meets Sigrid. She’s prickly and mercurial when she meets Erik because of her insecurities. She isn’t easily convinced that he won’t love her and leave her, so she pushes him away instead. Erik is persistent and is determined to prove he is not just there for the chase. I wanted to include a male character who once again is an alpha but has more insecurities than most alphas would ever admit. He’s in awe of Freya, believing she could have any man she wanted, so when she does finally relent, he is terrified she will decide he’s not enough. It’s the hero’s turn to worry that the heroine will find someone “better.” Forced to travel and work together, they realized they are far more alike than either realized. While they thought it was opposites attract, they discover they are so similar that they complete one another.

I haven’t announced the third book yet, but suffice it to say, there are five friends and only four books. I think most readers have predicted which two will be paired together, but their story has far more history than anyone knows yet. The final character has had a troubled life with loss and more recent betrayal, so when part of the past comes back, our final character isn’t sure whether it’s just familiarity or real love that is at play.


Jann: What’s the strangest thing you’ve had to research?

 Celeste: This isn’t necessarily strange since plenty of historical authors have to research homeopathic remedies to make cures sound realistic to the Middle Ages, or at least pre-penicillin. I was away with my family this weekend in a little mountain town, and the nature center had an amazing tri-fold with pictures and descriptions of medicinal plants. I was entirely too excited about it. I kept thinking how my author friends will be jealous when I tell them about this since I no longer need Google or massive texts! I have it all on a handy pamphlet.


Jann: What profession did you think you would have when you were 10?

Celeste: I had every intention of being an international corporate lawyer. I even had that intention when I started law school! Life happens, plans change. I’ve been a teacher for nearly 15 years, and now I’m an author too. Slightly different than what I envisioned at 10.


Jann: Celeste, it has been a real pleasure talking today. Thank you for opening a window into your life.

Celeste Barclay’s Books


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FREYA Viking Glory Book Two

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FREYA Viking Glory Book Two

LEIF Viking Glory Book One

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LEIF Viking Glory Book One



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July Featured Author of the Month: Tari Lynn Jewett

July 1, 2019 by in category Featured Author of the Month tagged as , , , , ,


Tari Lynn Jewett lives in Southern California with her husband of nearly thirty years (also known as Hunky Hubby). They have three amazing sons, a board game designer, a sound engineer and a musician, all who live nearby. For more than fifteen years she wrote freelance for magazines and newspapers, wrote television commercials, radio spots, numerous press releases, and many, MANY PTA newsletters. As much as she loved writing those things, she always wanted to write fiction…and now she is.

She also believes in happily ever afters…because she’s living hers.


Book giveaway

Tari’s giving away one signed paperback copy of her first romantic comedy, #PleaseSayYes.  For a change to win Tari’s book all you have to do is leave a comment on one of her posts this month (July 2019). There are, or course, a few rules:

  1. You must be 18 years or older to win.
  2. You must reside in the United States.
  3. Winner will be selected by a random drawing on July 31, 2019 and announce on A Slice of Orange August 4, 2019.
  4. If the winner selected doesn’t claim the book by August 11, 2019 by providing us with their mailing address, we’ll select another winner or donate the book to a library.
  5. Odds of winning the book will depend on the number of people leaving comments.




Tari Lynn Jewett

The Beach Break Coffee Bar was crowded and the girls squeezed through the throng of people to get to the table Evan was holding for them.

“It’s nice to be connected.” Ashley said as she slid into the seat next to Lucy.

Lucy smiled and started to respond just as Ashley smacked her on the arm. “Nooo,” she groaned. “That’s him over there.”

All three of her friends turned to look in the direction she’d pointed. Five good looking guys sat at a table laughing and drinking beer.

“Which one is he?” Mindi asked.

“He’s the jerky one.”

“You’ll have to be a little more descriptive.” Randi said. “I mean, they all look pretty friendly to me.”

“The one in the grey T-shirt. Don’t let that boyish smile fool you. He’s not nice.”

“I don’t know,” Mindi said. “I think he looks very nice. Look at the way that shirt hugs his biceps. Wish he’d turn this way so I could get a better look at his face.”

“What’s his name?” Randi had to raise her voice to be heard over the band who had moved back onto the stage and were warming up their instruments.

“Officer Lopez,” Ashley answered, trying to be heard over the music.

“What?” Randi raised her voice again.

“Officer Lopez!” Ashley said loudly just as the band stopped and the coffee bar buzz dropped to a din.

Officer Lopez and his buddies all turned to see who had shouted his name, and the lead singer of Reflective Lenses who was already standing in front of the mic picked it up.

“Officer Benny Lopez, you’re not even in the band, and cute girls are shouting your name. How’d you do that?”

Laughter rippled through the little coffee bar and Ashley considered crawling under the table.

“It’s okay Ashley,” Lucy said, “Evan just had a new refrigerator delivered. I’ll go get the box. We can smuggle you out of here without anyone seeing you!”

At least Randi tried to hide her smile, but Mindi made no effort to contain her amusement.



Tari Lynn Jewett’s Books


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#PLEASE SAY YES (#HermosafortheHolidays Book 1)



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Dear Extra Squeeze Team: How do I get critiques on my WIP but prevent plagiarism?

June 30, 2019 by in category The Extra Squeeze by The Extra Squeeze Team tagged as , , , , , , , , ,



Dear Extra Squeeze Team: How do I get critiques on my WIP but prevent plagiarism?

Rebecca Forster | Extra Squeeze

Rebecca Forster 


USA Today Bestselling author of 35 books, including the Witness series and the new Finn O’Brien series.

In my 30+ year career, I have never worried about plagiarism. Most working authors don’t need to plagiarize your work, they have plenty of their own to worry about. New authors have their own ideas and probably will think they are on a better track with their own ideas. Keep your nose to the grindstone, listen to solid critiques and move forward.


Jenny Jensen | A Slice of Orange

Jenny Jensen

Developmental editor who has worked for twenty plus years with new and established authors of both fiction and non-fiction, traditional and indie.

Jenny is still on vacation time.  She be back next month with The Extra Squeeze Team.





Robin Blakely | The Extra Squeeze Team | A Slice of Orange

Robin Blakely

PR/Business Development coach for writers and artists; CEO, Creative Center of America; member, Forbes Coaches Council.

It is never wrong to take precautions with your work.  My best suggestion for preventing plagiarism at the critique stage of the writing process is simple. Don’t share your work with people who have not been vetted in some way to earn your trust.  If you doubt the integrity of the people that you are sharing your material with, their opinions about your writing should also be in question.  If you have any qualms that your ideas could be stolen by the circle of people you willingly handed your work over to, then tighten your circle.  Your work is your business.  In any business, great ideas can be at risk of idea theft.  Copyrights, trademarks, and non-disclosure agreements all exist to help enforce your rights.  Look into those options.  But realize that in the critique stage, prevention is a more powerful tool than policing the issue after it happens.

And, on the flip side, protect yourself. Accusations of idea theft or plagiarism is a two-way street. In a critique group, it is important to understand the parameters of collaboration.  You may be asking other people to give you their opinions and contribute their ideas to your unfinished piece, but that also has limits that need to be established and clearly understood. It is possible that in a critique setting, your work may be the catalyst for a bigger and better idea than you imagined.  If that bigger and better idea comes to light and is identified by someone, it is important to know how to properly handle that situation. It all starts with trusting who is at the table and taking the time to establish and understand the game rules before any of your work is read by anyone.

H. O. Charles | A Slice of Orange

H.O. Charles

Cover designer and author of the fantasy series, The Fireblade Array

This genuinely is worth considering as ideas get stolen all the time (paranoid, me??). Sometimes plagiarism is not even committed consciously by the perpetrator. We absorb sentences and word structures and ideas all the time as we move through life, so it’s inevitable that we will reproduce bits and pieces of these when we get creative. If you’re sharing your work with a fellow creative, it should be accepted that you are going to influence them at least a little bit. If they churn out whole chunks of an original work or copy an entire plot without acknowledgement, it is quite different.

First, I’d advise using only people you trust to do your first run of read-throughs and critiques. If they’re your friends, they might not be as tough on your work, slightly biased etc., but it’s better than nothing at all. After that, there are copyright registration places if you live in the UK, but they are pointless in my opinion (we do not have a copyright office here – the US does). They won’t act for you legally if someone steals your work, and will take a small fee to register a copy of your work on the date you submit it. But if you have the raw, dated file stored on your computer, then you can just as easily prove you are the owner of the original work anyway. The law is different between the UK and USA, and elsewhere, so it is worth looking into copyright before you share your work with anyone.




Do you have a publishing question for The Extra Squeeze Team?

Use this form to send them to us.


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