Linda O. Johnston’s first published fiction appeared in Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine and won the Robert L. Fish Memorial Award for Best First Mystery Short Story of the year. Since then, Linda, a former lawyer who is now a full-time writer, has published more short stories, novellas, and over 50 romance and mystery novels, including the Pet Rescue Mystery Series, a spinoff from her Kendra Ballantyne, Pet-Sitter mysteries for Berkley Prime Crime. She currently writes the Superstition Mysteries and the Barkery Biscuits Mysteries for Midnight Ink, and also writes for Harlequin Romantic Suspense as well as the Alpha Force paranormal romance miniseries for Harlequin Nocturne.
Linda enjoys hearing from readers. Visit her website at and friend her on Facebook.
I’ve been friends and reading author Linda O. Johnston for many years and it’s a pleasure to do this Q & A with her today. Welcome Linda to Jann Says . . .
Jann: I remember reading your first novel, A Glimpse of Forever, in 1995. What is your writing process and how has it changed since then, if it has?
Linda: My process has changed a lot from what it was back then. When I started getting my novels published, I was a full-time lawyer with young kids. Back then, I would get up an hour before anyone else in the household and write for an hour, then bring printed copies to edit at lunchtime. Now, I’m a full-time writer, and my sons are grown and living elsewhere. My dogs will often tell me what to do—time to eat, time to go out—and occasionally my husband interrupts for something important, but otherwise I spend most of my day on the computer writing, editing and promoting.
Jann: If you could go back in time, is there one thing you would do differently with your writing career?
Linda: Not really. I feel as if I’ve been very fortunate. I’m still working on turning my stories into best sellers, but I’m happy with where I am, too. I’ve had more than 50 books published!
Jann: Many authors, including you, have a deep love for animals, but they don’t necessarily have them play such big roles in their books. You write in several different genres—mystery, romantic suspense, paranormal romance and romance. Throughout all of these genres, animals are a focus. Why?
Linda: I love dogs! I’m a dogaholic. A cynophilist. I didn’t always include dogs in my writing, although one of my favorite time travel romances from way back when is Once a Cavalier, where Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, the breed I particularly adore, were the avenue that allowed my heroine to travel in time back to the court of King Charles II of England, where the ancestors of today’s Cavaliers were lap dogs to the courtiers to take the fleas off them. And my own Lexie was the model for the Lexie in my Kendra Ballantyne, Pet Sitter Mysteries, my first cozy mystery series. Kendra was a lawyer who lived in the Hollywood Hills with her Cavalier Lexie. At the time, I was practicing law, I live in the Hollywood Hills, and one of my Cavaliers was Lexie. Unfortunately, dogs’ lives are shorter than ours, so Lexie is no longer with us, but I still have two Cavaliers: Mystie and Cari. They always inspire me to write—and to give them treats!
Jann: Book #5 is a Barkery and Biscuits mystery, For A Good Paws, which is coming out this month. Tell us about the series, characters and story.
Linda: In my Barkery and Biscuits Mysteries, protagonist Carrie Kennersly is a veterinary technician. She bought a bakery, Icing on the Cake, from a friend who had to leave their town of Knobcone Heights, California, and Carrie turned half into a barkery, Barkery and Biscuits, where she bakes and sells healthy dog treats she developed as a vet tech. In the first book, Bite the Biscuit, Carrie became a murder suspect and had to figure out whodunit to clear herself. In the subsequent stories several of her friends also become murder suspects so she has to help them, too. Since I always include romances in my mysteries and suspense or mystery in my romances, Carrie has a romantic interest, Dr. Reed Storme, a veterinarian at the clinic where she still works part time as a vet tech. Her brother Neal lives with her in her home, and one of her closest friends is Councilwoman Billi Matlock, who owns a day spa and Mountaintop Rescue, an animal shelter. Carrie also has several assistants at her shops who are also her friends, and several other townsfolk appear a lot in her books including the head vet at the clinic, Dr. Arvus Kline, and the owners of Cuppa Joe’s, a coffee shop.
In For A Good Paws, Carrie takes notice when she hears that a local killer is being paroled. Mike Holpurn, the parolee, was convicted ten years ago of murdering Flora Shulzer, who was then mayor of Knobcone Heights. On his return from prison, Holpurn confronts Flora’s husband Henry Shulzer, whom he claims was Flora’s murderer. When Henry is found murdered, the town assumes the killer is Holpurn, but Carrie’s not so sure… and she gets involved once more in solving a murder.
It’ll be the last in the series, since the publisher, Midnight Ink, is closing. I might find another publisher or self-publish more… but I suspect I’ll go on to a new mystery series.
Jann: How do you stay motivated? What drives you to keep writing?
Linda: Writing is who I am. Even when I tell myself to take a rest, my mind still keeps churning and I take notes!
Jann: What are you dying to try next?
Linda: Another mystery series! And also a possible stand-alone story featuring dogs. My problem about doing that is a good one: time. I’m busy with deadlines, writing four new Harlequin Romantic Suspense books.
Jann: Do you ever run out of ideas? If so, how did you get past that?
Linda: My mind is always at work, whether I’m awake or asleep, at the computer or anywhere else. Ideas are never the problem. I’ve plenty of them. But time to do something with them is more of an issue with me.
Jann: Thank you Linda for sharing with us today. Looking forward to the release and reading For A Good Paws!
Jacqueline Diamond has sold romantic comedies, medical romances, Regency romances and mysteries—more than 100 titles. A former Associated Press reporter and TV columnist, Jackie is best known for her Safe Harbor Medical romance series, beginning with The Would-Be Mommy. She currently writes a spin-off series, the Safe Harbor Medical Mysteries. Jackie has been honored with a Romantic Times Career Achievement Award and is a two-time Rita Award finalist. You can sign up for her free monthly newsletter at
Jacqueline: One step at a time! I didn’t set out to write a zillion books; this has happened over the course of about forty years. When I was writing for Harlequin, I had to work on multiple books at once but at different points in the process. One book might be a short proposal waiting for a contract (or rejection); another book, already contracted, might be in the writing stages, while a third, completed book might require revisions at the editor’s request.
Frankly, I wish I had had more time per book, and am delighted to be self-publishing my mystery series (Safe Harbor Medical) at my own pace. When I regain rights to earlier books and prepare them for new editions, I rewrite and polish. It’s mostly minor stuff but I just didn’t have the time for it due to contracts (and need for money!).
Jacqueline: Three reasons. I basically felt that, in seventeen books, I’d completed the romantic storylines that felt natural for me in this setting. The second is that I’d been longing to return to mysteries (such as Danger Music, which had been published years earlier, and His Secret Son, a romantic intrigue). Third, I wanted to write and self-publish these mysteries to suit myself not some publisher’s requirements for length or subject matter.
Yet the setting and supporting characters of my fictional Safe Harbor Medical Center still resonate with me. I’ve enjoyed bringing them back to life while creating new major series characters—Dr. Eric Darcy, his PI sister-in-law Tory Golden, and a couple of frenemies, including a homicide detective and a schizophrenic doctor (sympathetic, contrary to stereotypes).
Jacqueline: I have also written fantasy (Shadowlight), s.f. (Out of Her Universe) and of course straight mysteries. Some of my romances border on women’s fiction (e.g. The Family Next Door, which is the first book in my Harmony Circle series).
Jacqueline: The biggest change is that the whole field has opened up. This is largely due to the freedom provided by self-publishing as well as to changes in society. Authors are no longer restricted by whatever publishers believe is selling today or subject to the whims of editors. Of course, there’s a downside as well, because we’re required (whether traditionally or self-published) to promote, promote, promote.
Jacqueline: My protagonist, Dr. Eric Darcy, is an obstetrician in a small town who cares deeply about his patients, family and colleagues. He’s a young widower whose closest friend is a homicide detective and whose crusty sister-in-law is a private investigator. He becomes involved in cases that affect his patients, their families and his own circle of acquaintances.
I’m sometimes put off by mysteries in which the amateur detective has no real reason to be snooping around and, frankly, would get in the way of the police. However, doctors have access to private information as well as the trust of their longtime patients, who might be reluctant to speak to authorities. In The Case of the Questionable Quadruplet, the mother of grown triplets stuns him by claiming there was a fourth baby, a quadruplet stolen from her at birth, many years ago. Was there really a lost child? If she’s still alive, where is she? When someone murders his patient, Eric believes the police are dismissing a vital clue, and feels a responsibility to the victim to discover the truth, aided by his sister-in-law. Night Owl Reviews called it “a very clever mystery where emotions and feelings ran deep.”
Jacqueline: Currently, I’m about two-thirds of the way through the fourth mystery, The Case of the Long-Lost Lover. Eric learns that an old flame is missing and might have been trying to reach him when she disappeared. Even more stunning is the discovery that she had a baby that might have been his. When her body is discovered in an unmarked grave, he’s thrust into a quest for the truth, including the whereabouts of a girl who could be his daughter.
Look for Long-Lost Lover this fall! To make sure of being notified, you can sign up on my website,, for my free monthly newsletter. Also, you can follow me on Amazon or Bookbub.
Jacqueline: I jot a lot of notes before I start writing, and organize (and reorganize) them as I go. To me, it’s vital to incorporate both structure based on turning points, so that the pace never lags, and springing-to-life characters that I and the reader care about. I also place a lot of emphasis on accurate research in the medical field and in police work. My Beta readers include a retired sheriff’s investigator and an obstetrical nurse. I also consult other experts and do research online.
Jacqueline: Honestly, I knew from the age of four that I was meant to be a writer. Something inside drives me, which is fortunate, because there’ve been a lot of rejections and other setbacks along the way. If this were just a hobby, I’d have quit long ago!
Joining us today is A Slice of Orange author Tari Lynn Jewett. Tari lives in Southern California with her husband of nearly thirty years (also known as Hunky Hubby). They have three adult sons, all who live nearby. For more than fifteen years she wrote freelance for magazines and newspapers, wrote television commercials, radio spots, numerous press releases, and many, MANY PTA newsletters. As much as she loved writing those things, she always wanted to write fiction . . .and now she is.
When she’s not writing, you can find her at the beach, in her sewing room, or curled up with a good book. She’s also been known to play a mean game of pool.
Tari believes in happily ever afters . . . because she’s living hers.
You can follow Tari on social media:
Facebook: Tari Lynn Jewett
Facebook reader group: Tari’s Tribe
Instagram: Tari Lynn Jewett
Instagram: Tari Lynn Jewett
Tari’s A Slice of Orange column “Charmed Writers” posts on the 10th of every month.
Jann: The #CharmedWriters Facebook group is such a wonderful group. What motivated you to start it?
Tari: Charmed Writers began kind of by accident, the way so many things I do begin. I was Pro Liaison for my very favorite writing group, the Orange County Chapter of Romance Writers for America. Many of our writer friends were going to the 2016 Romantic Times Conference. I decided that the rest of us shouldn’t be left out of the fun, and at the last minute created a Stuck at Home writing event on Facebook. I invited the PRO group, and told them to invite their friends, so it was open to everyone. Twenty-five people participated in that first event. I wanted to find a way to motivate and reward everyone for participation, so I ordered charms to give out for reaching different goals. We wrote all week, motivated each other, inspired each other and got to be very good friends. At the end, we didn’t want it to be over, and Charmed Writers was born.
Jann: Did you expect it to be so well received?
Tari: I thought it would be a place for the original members to keep working together, but they started asking to invite friends, and people started hearing about the group and asking if they could join. I never expected it to grow as it has.
Jann: What’s the best part of #Charmed Writers?
Tari: Oh, my gosh. The best part of Charmed Writers is the amazing friends that I’ve made, and seeing the love and support that people are willing to give each other. I’ve learned so much from Charmed Writers, and I’m so honored to be part of this amazing group of writers.
Jann: Tell us about Charmed Writers Presents: Flash Fiction 2019
Tari: Charmed Writers Presents Flash Fiction 2019 is an anthology of 41 stories, by 41 authors who are members of Charmed Writers. All of the stories are approximately 500 words long, and are in a variety of genres. This is another project that started by accident. Last year on June 13th I saw a post that Friday, June 16th would be National Flash Fiction Day. I thought it would be to create an event to challenge Charmed Writers members to write a 500-word story. 16 people participated in the event. I told everyone we would do something with the stories. I thought it might be a good time to start a Charmed Writer website, and post our stories there. However, Slice of Orange owner, and Charmed Writer, Marianne Donley, sent me some book covers she’d created for an anthology, and we went with the idea. We opened it up to the Charmed Writers group again, and ended up with an amazing mix of stories from bestselling authors, to debut authors. I truly was an amazing experience. Marianne Donley did the heavy lifting on this project, without her it wouldn’t have happened.
Jann: Will there be more Flash Fiction anthologies?
Tari: LOL, I’m not sure yet! But it’s possible. The current anthology will be available for one year, and the only way to get it is through a Charmed Writer, or by being a member of The Charmed Connection. And did I mention that it’s free? I think you can get it here through A Slice of Orange as well.
(Editor’s note: Click the Book Link or the cover to go to the page where Flash Fiction 2019 is available.)
Jann: You also started The Charmed Connection for readers–another very successful group. Why did you start The Charmed Connection?
Tari: Thank you. The Charmed Connection started naturally as a place for Charmed Writer authors to connect with readers. We have ‘bookshelves’ in the group where readers can find books by Charmed Writers, and various authors drop in and share their lives, play games and most importantly get to know our readers.
Jann: What fun things do you have planned for The Charmed Connection?
Tari: There’s always something going on in The Charmed Connection. We have parties, special guests, giveaways and games. We’ve done one Book Club selection, and I’m hoping to do more of them. I’d like to see more Facebook Live events in the group, those are always fun, and I’d like to do a reader project that’s been rolling around in my head for a little while. I’ll have to let you know more about it when the idea is fully formed!
Jann: How does a reader or an author join?
Tari: To join The Charmed Connection just go to The Charmed Connection group on facebook, and click “join” and answer three questions about reading. It’s that simple! Then just jump right in and join the fun.
Jann: Your fun romantic comedy, #PleaseSayYes (#HermosafortheHolidays Book1) was just released. (I love the cover!) Tell us a little bit about the book.
Tari: Thank you! #PleaseSayYes is a novella, and a romantic comedy that was released first in Valentine’s boxed set last year with stories by 12 other authors. It’s set just down the street from me in Hermosa Beach. Lucy, my heroine, a kind of bookish schoolteacher finds she has a social media secret admirer, and when his posts to her go viral her world turns upside down. It’s the first in a holiday series set in Hermosa Beach. It’s very sweet, as Hunky Hubby says, it’s a story you can share with your mother and daughter.
Jann: So, Book 1 implies there will be a Book 2—When will it be published and what can you tell us about it?
Tari: Book 2 #SilverBracelets, is a full-length novel, the story of Lucy’s friend and colleague, Ashley. There’s some payback for Lucy in the story as Ashley finds herself also part of a social media campaign, only Ashley doesn’t find this one so amusing. Many of the same characters are in this story, and I’ve had so much fun writing it. It will release in April.
Jann: What else do you write?
Tari: I freelance wrote non-fiction for magazines and newspapers for about 15 years, but as far as fiction goes, I’ve been working on a women’s fiction novel set in the 1920’s, and it’s also part of a series. It’s very different from my romcoms. This is darker and edgier, and I love writing every word of it, but it’s also the reason I started writing the romcoms. I needed to get my head out of the darker places every now and then.
Jann: When will it be released?
Tari: I wish I knew! I’m submitting this story to an agent, so when I get the good word, I’ll share with you!
Jann: Do you find yourself returning to certain themes in your stories? What? Why? I do.
Tari: Yes, definitely. The theme of ‘perfection’, trying to be perfect or have the perfect life frequently shows up in my writing. I didn’t realize it at first, and it’s subtler in the romcoms, but in most of the stories I write, the heroines seem to be working out a need to be perfect. I’d have to say that it’s something I struggle with myself, and I think many women do. We strive to be perfect, which of course is impossible, so we’re constantly setting ourselves up for failure. Hopefully, we eventually learn that we’re never going to be Perfect, all we can be is our best. And the truth is, that’s better than being perfect.
Jann: What’s the best writing advice you ever received?
Tari: I’m not even sure where I heard it first, and it goes back to that idea of Perfection. But, I’ve heard many successful authors, often at our OCC RWA meetings say There’s no wrong way to write a book, don’t worry about what other writers are doing, do what works for you. I think that’s absolutely true.
Jann: How do you stay motivated? What drives you to keep writing?
Tari: For me writing doesn’t require motivation. I’m compelled to write, good or bad, whatever is going on in my life, writing is my first outlet, both creative and emotional. It’s not a choice, I just do it… although, it’s a choice I would make if I had to.
Jann: Do you ever run out of ideas? If so, how did you get past that?
Tari: Running out of ideas is never a problem. In fact, the problem is generally not letting new ideas distract me from the current project! So, finding enough time is the problem!
Jann: What sound or noise do you love?
Tari: I think my favorite sound is the sound of my husband’s voice. I love picking up the phone and hearing him talk, or sitting across the table and listening to his voice.
Jann: What sound or noise do you hate?
Tari: Funny you should ask. We were at a fast food restaurant last night, and a man kept spinning the chair next to him. The chair needed oil and made a terrible screeching sound. I pretty much hated that!
Jann: What profession other than your own would you love to attempt?
Tari: I think I’d love to teach elementary school. Especially, 3rd or 4th grade.
Jann: What profession would you hate to do?
Tari: Anything to do with math. I couldn’t be an accountant, it would be very bad.
Thank you, Tari for answering our questions! Tari’s book are shown below. Click on the covers for buy (or free) links.
Aviva Vaughn is the author of BECKONED—slow burn women’s fiction inspired by food, travel, and Jane Austen. A lifelong bibliophile, she enjoys a wide variety of genres from historical fiction to science fiction to non-fiction, and loves reading, and writing, hot—scientifically accurate—sex.
As a young adult, Aviva rejected the romance genre. “My mother had at least sixty of those old-school romances with the Fabio-esque covers. I didn’t like the way they depicted women or sex,” she says. However, after becoming a mother herself, she recognized the potential power of fiction as a force for female empowerment.
Her series—BECKONED—features strong, educated, diverse characters, with heroines who speak their mind and heroes who respect them for doing so. She writes so that her daughter will have inspirational, multicultural book characters to identify with, and a depiction of what a healthy relationship looks like both in the power dynamics and in the sex itself.
Aviva is not afraid to try new things, which has made for an interesting—although not always straight forward—life. Her favorite “two truths and a lie” line is: I have ridden bareback in the Navajo nation, I have jumped out of an airplane over New Zealand, and I have gone spelunking in Costa Rica. The answer appears at the end of BECKONED, Part 4: From Barcelona with Love ;^)
For a list of her favorite books, visit
Jann: Let’s welcome Aviva Vaughn to A Slice of Orange blog today to chat about her series BECKONED.
Jann: When did you start writing? Why romance?
Aviva: I can’t remember a time when I didn’t write creatively. I’ve written songs, poetry, and fiction at least since I was thirteen, if not before. I’ve always been fascinated with books and words, and have been an avid reader my entire life. Although my writing covers a variety of genres, the first book I decided to publish was a romance, and the reason why was because it told me to. My slow-burn contemporary series, BECKONED, has been a very bossy master. It wouldn’t leave me alone … it beckoned to me. However, it makes sense that I would start with a romance, because my favorite stories are always the ones where the human relationships are the focus, and the challenges that come up are the all too real challenges of human interaction and miscommunication. I mean, I like plot too, but what makes stories pierce your heart is not plot, but the human relationships. What would Star Wars be without the angst of Darth the wayward father, or the war-torn love of Han and Leia? It’s the relationships that hold one captive, and the stories that focus on them are the ones that I return to again and again. Authors like Jane Austen, Edith Wharton, and Margaret Mitchell, who create characters that just seem to keep missing each other over and over, those are the stories I love, but I wanted to give them a modern twist.
I often describe BECKONED as “a modern story told in an old-fashioned way.” By “modern story” I mean that it’s set in contemporary time, and the characters are diverse, and the heroines are strong. By “old-fashioned” I mean that the language and scene setting are very descriptive and literary feeling. My tagline for BECKONED is “slow burn, second-chance romance inspired by food, travel, and Jane Austen.” If your readers would like to read my series starter for free, they can sign-up for it at
Jann: Your series BECKONED–how, when, or where did your idea for the series come to be? Do you have a goal for the series?
Avivia: BECKONED was birthed by a couple of ideas. The first was that as a multicultural reader—I’m of Asian, Polynesian, Hispanic, and European descent and I was born and raised in Los Angeles—I was never able to find a character that looked like me, not even one. I wanted to create characters that my own mixed child could relate to and look up to. So I fashioned Angela: an aspiring entrepreneur putting herself through MBA school who just happens to be of a mixed background. The second idea was kind of inspired by one of the parameters Stephenie Meyer uses in TWILIGHT; in her books, vampires’ personalities are fixed when they become vampires, so her hero, Edward, has the values of someone from the early 1900’s. I liked the tension that it created having her modern heroine fall in love with a old-fashioned guy. I also wanted to have a hero who was the complete opposite of my fiery, multicultural Angeleno, and so I looked to Denmark which is a very homogeneous society and is famous for its gender equality and it felt perfect. So I created my hero, Soren Lund, who is a humble, polite real estate heir that has lived a life of boring privilege until he meets fiery Angela—who melts his heart—and realizes he doesn’t want to live without her.
Those twin inspirations, along with my love for food and travel, are what inspired the series. As far as my goal for the series, I want women to feel inspired and empowered by BECKONED. Many readers have said that they look up to Angela and I think that’s wonderful. I happen to know many women like Angela, so she’s not aspirational, she’s inspirational.
Jann: Beckoned Part 6 – Adrift in New Zealand makes its debut on May16th. What can you share with us about this new book?
Avivia: Hhhhmmmm … all I can say is that books 1-4 are kind of like “The Bachelor,” where there is a love triangle, and the man who doesn’t get the girl becomes the focus of Books 5 and 6. Readers have loved that I’ve been tying up the loose end of the guy who “lost”. Part 6 will be a very satisfying conclusion to this part of BECKONED.
Jann: What’s the best writing advice you ever received?
Avivia: The best writing advice I’ve received can be summed up in four points
My tip: I carry a Bluetooth keyboard so that I can “write on my phone.” This lets me write everywhere. I’ve had this $20 keyboard for four years and it’s still as responsive as ever and it weighs nothing.
Avivia: I’m working on a collection of steamy slow-burn stories as a way to introduce different couples to my readers and get their feedback on whom I should turn into my next full-length book. I’ll also have some previously unwritten scenes for Angela and Soren to introduce new readers to BECKONED. This collection might come out as early as March 2019, so stay tuned!
Jann: What’s the funniest (or sweetest or best or nicest) thing a fan ever said to you?
Avivia: I don’t think I can pick just one! Some of my favorite quotesfrom reviews are:
Jann: Do you have a website, blog, twitter where fans might read more about you and your books?
Avivia: Choose your favorite way to follow me! I love interacting with readers. If you are in the Southern California area, I have a bunch of readings and signings coming up.
Jann: Thank you Avivia for chatting with us here on A Slice of Orange.
Melissa Chambers writes contemporary novels for young, new, and actual adults. A Nashville native, she spends her days working in the music industry and her nights tapping away at her keyboard. While she’s slightly obsessed with alt rock, she leaves the guitar playing to her husband and kid. She never misses a chance to play a tennis match, listen to an audiobook, or eat a bowl of ice cream. (Rocky road, please!) She’s a member of RWA and has served as president for the Music City Romance Writers. In addition to the Love Along Hwy 30A series, she is the author of The Summer Before Forever, Falling for Forever, and Courting Carlyn (Entangled Teen).
Jann: Great name for a romance series—Love Along Hwy 30A. Why did you select beach town settings for the series?
Melissa: These books are set in the real communities along Hwy 30A in the panhandle of Florida between Destin and Panama City. For those who have never been, this area is absolutely magical. Each community is uniquely picturesque from Seaside with its pastel houses (The Truman Show was filmed there) to Alys Beach and its Mediterranean feel, to Rosemary with its London Tudor look. I have vacationed there many times, and the area was begging for a series to be written about it, each book focusing on a different community. The setting in these books is as much of a character as any of the people in the books!
Jann: Did you start with characters first or the story plot first for Seaside Sweets, book one in the series?
Melissa: I always start with characters first. Actually, I typically start with a setting I like, then add the characters and let them tell me their story as I go. I’m a pantser, so I type away until I see a story forming, then once I have the shape of it, I go back to the beginning and start over. Lots and lots of rewrites with the way I do it, but I’m really bad at plotting blindly, so it works for me. But warning, if you do it this way, you have to be willing to delete tens of thousands of words if necessary!
Jann: Whose story is it—Seanna’s or Blake’s? Why?
Melissa: Ooh, good question! Writing in dual POV, each protagonist gets their fair share of page time, but really, Blake is the one who makes the toughest journey. Not to take anything away from Seanna, because she comes a long way, too, but he’s the one who’s got the biggest roadblocks ahead of him.
Jann: You have book two, Seacrest Sunsets and book three, Seagrove Secrets, in the series available that our readers can check out. Is there a book four on its way?
Melissa: Why, yes, there is! I’m really mean and tease the story for the next book in the series at the end of each book. So readers who have made it to the end of book three already know the hero and heroine for book four. I’m working on it now, and it’s a blast! It will release in March, just in time for Spring Break! I’ve also got stories in mind for books five and six. Readers keep telling me they want Cassidy’s story, and I hear you loud and clear! It’s on its way!
Jann: Do you have any writing rituals? Schedule?
Melissa: I have a full-time day job and a family, so I have to have a writing schedule. I wake up anywhere between 4:00 and 5:00 in the morning and work till 6:30 when it’s time to get moving for the day. I hate it, because when I’m on a roll, it’s pretty much torture to shut the laptop. But we do what we have to in the time constraints we’re given.
Jann: What’s the best thing a fan ever said to you?
Melissa: I recently had a friend who has read all six of my books tell me that reading romance novels makes her a better person. She said it helps fuel the relationship with her husband and makes her a nicer and generally happier person. Just knowing one of my books could make even one person feel that way about herself, I could quit now and be content. (But I won’t!)
Jann: Melissa, I want to thank you for taking time today to chat with us here on A Slice of Orange. Love Along Hwy 30A is a great series jam packed with wonderful characters looking for their HEA. Wishing you a fantastic 2019!!
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