Saturday, November 10
Brea Community Center
Order your books now for Saturday’s meeting!
STELLA CAMERON (Afternoon Speaker)
A Cold Day in Hell
MIRA Books
CHARLENE SANDS (Morning Speaker)
Bodine’s Bounty
Harlequin Historical
Extremely Hot
No Ring Required:
Millionaire’s Calculated Baby Bid Playboy’s Ruthless PaybackSilhouette Desire
If you plan to purchase books at our monthly chapter meeting,please pre-order them by Midnight Tuesday, November 6
To place an order, telephone (909) 720-6226
The 2007 Orange Blossom Award
has been presented to
Jann Audiss!
This award honors many years of outstanding service to the chapter. And Jann certainly deserves this recognition.
During the 15 years she has been a member of OCC, she has volunteered in many positions. She has been on the committee of our Orange Rose Contest for Unpublished writers several times, then Co-chaired the contest twice–this is a huge undertaking. The editors in the industry love our contest, citing it as one of the best, so the entries are quite numerous, and it’s a big job.
She was also our Ways and Means chairman for two years, and a roving committee member before that. Ways and Means is pretty much the backbone of our chapter, and she did a fabulous job of coming up with ways to keep our treasury healthy.
In addition to other volunteer and board positions, she also handled our Write For the Money, where she encouraged our members to set a writing goal each month and meet it.
She was Co-President of our chapter for two years, in 2001 and 2002. During her term as Co-President, Jann was co-coordinator of our Orange County Chapter’s first, and very successful Autumn Affaire conference.
These days you’ll see her name right here on the Slice of Orange with her fellow critique group members of “Writers Rock!”
Congratulations, Jann!!
In the coming months, members will be hearing a lot about bylaws. National RWA has set forth new Chapter Bylaws Standards, some of which will be mandatory, some only recommendations. Chapters are required to revise their own bylaws into the standardized format, and submit a “Restatement of Bylaws†by May 1, 2008.
OCC had already implemented some of the required changes in our last revision of bylaws four years ago. Since we will be going through the steps for changes set forth by National–including a printed and mailed version of proposals, and vote of approval by membership — this is an excellent opportunity to review the entire document to suit our current methods of operation.
One area to address is leadership. For 22 years, OCC has had two co-presidents sharing the workload so both can continue writing. (In theory, anyway.
While I have always been strongly in favor of the shared position of co-presidency, I now realize that our leadership is already basically functioning as a president and president-elect. And it is working beautifully. The current board of directors agrees that it is time to formally change the terminology used from “co-presidents†to “president and president elect.†Why? Because we need to publicly set in place a president-in-training who will eventually step into the role of president after a year “interning†in the position. The way it stands now, both co-presidents can step down at the end of their term, and anyone can run for the office even if he/she has no board experience whatsoever.
Having served as a co-president in 1989 before the immediacy of the internet, and comparing it to my term as co-president this year, I am acutely aware of the changes that have occurred with this position, and the need to assure our membership of consistently strong leadership for such a large and complex writing organization.
Another proposed change will be altering our election year to coincide with National RWA’s, which begins November 1. Currently, OCC’s new board takes over at the peak of our annual membership drive in January—grueling for our membership director and treasurer, especially if they are new to the positions. Our February Valentine’s Meeting is one of our two biggest celebrations in the year, but is often a rush-job for the new board if things aren’t already in place. Finally, coinciding with National’s election year will make it simpler for an OCC board member to run for national office when they step down from the local chapter board. As it stands now, they have to resign mid-year from the OCC board if they run for National, or wait several months to run for the next term.
So changes are definitely on the horizon. Be on the look out for more news in the coming months.
1 0 Read moreTaking a Journey of Baby Steps
an interview by Sandy Novy Chvostal
Pick up a Barbara Benedict book and be prepared to travel–to embark on a journey of adventure, romance and self-discovery.
But while treading her own path to success, Benedict has discovered a few shortcuts to making each writing “trip†just a little bit easier . . . . .
Q. Barbara, in this month’s Orange Blossom interview, you mention you approach each of your books as an adventure or a journey, and in a speech you gave at OCC, you also said this journey involves “baby steps.†Can you please elaborate on this?
A. Anyone who has ever sat down to write a book immediately understands what a daunting prospect it is. I’m not even going into the peripherals, (like learning basic mechanics, honing your self discipline, making contacts in the business) I’m talking about putting the actual words–the right words–on the page. Even the most prolific writer can blow a whole day watching that blinking cursor, wondering how you’re ever going to write the perfect ending when you can’t even come up with an opening line. I admit, I still find it overwhelming. The only way I get through it is to remind myself to take it one step (or word) at a time, knowing each addition brings me that much closer to where I want to go.
Taking one baby step at a time, I finished my first book, only to realize that I now had to start another story. And another after that. Which led to the discovery that the act of writing is a journey in itself and I had miles to travel before I’d get anywhere close to where I wanted to go. Again, I was overwhelmed. This, I realized, could be my Great Adventure, but where to begin? Take the wrong fork in the road and I could be lost forever. The solution, I finally found, was baby steps. I simply had to tackle the journey one tiny segment at a time, making the most of every step along the way.
Yes, I’ve had my share of frustration and disappointments, but each time I’m tempted to quit, I remind myself that all I have to do is put one foot in front of the other (or one word after another) and before long, I’m back on my way.
Q. Speaking of that first book, Lovestorm, I know you wrote–and sold–it all on your own, without the benefit of an agent, critique group, or help from any writing organizations. How has this affected your attitude toward writing?
A. Part of me wants to shudder at how ignorant and naive I was back then, yet another part recognizes the toll that knowledge and experience can take on creative freedom.
To be successful, a writer needs the advice of an editor, agent, and critique group–and everyone knows the information and support from OCC/RWA is invaluable–but with all those voices whispering in my ear as my career progressed, I began to over-analyze until I found it harder and harder to retain my original vision. Obviously, I can’t ever go back to the blissful ignorance I started with, but I can remember that sense of freedom when I didn’t stop to think everything to death. That’s what I’m working on now; relearning how to write from my heart, and not just my head.
Q. But although you write from the heart, you have the reputation of being a complete, “unemotional†professional, focused on getting the work done on time, even when–and this makes me shudder!–one of your editors actually shortened a deadline, when you were under contract for two books for two different houses! Drawing from this context, how do you personally define being a professional writer?
A. “Being professional” is probably the hardest part of being a writer. I mean, really, my work clothes double as pajamas. Still, here are a few basic rules I’ve picked up over the years.
1. Put your emotion into the writing, not into any disagreement with your editor or publisher. Wait until you can talk in a calm, rational manner before you call them, or better yet, let an agent tackle the problem for you.
2. Put your money where your mouth is–try not to promise anything you can’t possibly deliver. Remember, your editor/agent’s reputation (if not job) is in just as much in jeopardy as yours. Let them down and they’re not likely to take a chance on you again.
3. Never burn any bridges. Publishing is a surprisingly small world and you never know who’s suddenly going to show up, yet again, in your career.
4. On your rise to fame and fortune, never forget the people who helped you get there.
As far as my making deadlines, I consider it just a personal quirk: once I give my word to do something, I feel compelled to make good on it. I don’t know what I was thinking, agreeing to deliver a contemporary on the Ides of March and a historical on April Fool’s Day, but once I signed the contracts, I had to find some way to make it work. I wrote day and night, learned how to power nap and relied heavily on my critique group to point out where medieval England intruded on modern South Carolina, but somehow I managed to make both deadlines. And on this leg of my writer’s journey, the “what have we learned today” was never to do that again.
Q. Jumping from medieval England to South Carolina and back again, had to be tough! But along with the unusual settings you tackle, another way you often transcend the common boundaries of “what a romance should be†is with the heroines you create–very modern day women who are inherently independent, self-sufficient, and free-thinkers such as Ica in Destiny; Jude in Every Dream Come True; or Monica, in A Taste of Heaven. Why are you especially drawn to this type of heroine? Why do you think they work well in a romance?
A. At the core of any riveting story–especially a romance–is conflict. We might hate conflict in real life, might even actively avoid it, but we’ll invariably put down a book if it isn’t there on every page. And who better to provide it than a feisty, you-can’t-get-the-best-of-me heroine?
More importantly, women have been making great strides in proving we are far stronger than our culture has acknowledged and I want to play a part in that. Any woman who attempts to control her own destiny, despite the obstacles thrown in her path, is my idea of a real hero.
Q. Another common trait of your heroines is their zest for adventure. Where does this originate?
A. At heart, I think we all crave adventure, even if we only experience it vicariously. What better way to feel the thrill of being swept away to new, magical worlds than tucked safely in your favorite chair reading about some fictional character’s travels? Writing about them provides the same benefit, with one added bonus; often research requires that I visit the places I write about, and that’s often an adventure all its own.
Q. In your current release, The Tycoon Meets His Match, the hero and heroine set off on a madcap trip together, that I understand is similar in some respects, to your own travels. How?
A. Unlike my heroine, Trae, I never actually took a road trip in college, but years ago when my husband and I decided to move from New York to California, we packed up the van and hit the road to “see America.” Not only did it establish my own “zest” for adventure, I’m still using the places we saw and the things we did on that three week odyssey in my work.
Q. So what are you planning to work on next?
A. Well. there’s always the sequel to my December Special Edition involving another of the girls in the “Just Say No To Marriage” club but my first love has always been historicals. Right now I’m busy planning a series involving a murder mystery set in Victorian England but I’ve got an idea brewing for another retelling of an ancient myth.
Q. Hurry and get going on them, Barb! Reading your books is my favorite way to travel!
An English major in college, Barbara Benedict went on to teach high school but she’s always been drawn to the magical process of writing. In 1985, she published her first novel, an historical romance set in colonial South Carolina, and has since written about eras and locales as far apart as present day Louisiana to Arthurian England and Minoan Crete.
Barbara’s next book is Silhouette Special Edition The Tycoon Meets His Match is available now.
0 0 Read moreby Barbara DeLong
“Dear Barbara,
Thank you so much for giving us a chance to review your work. We have enjoyed taking a look at your project but, while there are appealing aspects to the story, it does not ultimately meet the present needs of xxx .
…the hero was sexy and likable, but the story never quite came to life. There was a lack of that fantasy element we look for. Also, the pacing of the story seemed slow.â€
These are some of the comments from the rejection letter that earned me my Pro pin, and landed my manuscript under the bed with the dust bunnies (aka tumbleweed).
Until now.
For the past couple of years, I have started a number of projects and many versions thereof, only to toss them aside because I didn’t feel the thrill, the passion to complete them like I had my dust collector. I’d find myself working on a scene for one of those stories and end up thinking about the one under my bed.
Finally I succumbed to the inevitable and dragged it out. My critique group, always at the ready with an abundance of suggestions, provided much-needed encouragment. I re-read the whole thing in one day while I jotted notes on a yellow lined pad. Damned if that editor wasn’t right on the money with her comments – yes, my hero sure was sexy! New ideas began to flow, along with a renewed energy I hadn’t felt in years. Writing is fun again! In the spirit of The Secret (read it, please!), I created a mock-up of my book cover and posted it on my Vision Board. My goal is to finish the rewrite by the next National Conference so I can pitch it.
So, if you have a project under your bed that just won’t let you alone, drag that puppy out and give it a read. It’s bugging you for a reason. It just might release you from the doldrums and kick-start your engines. Happy writing!
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Will Antonia be forced to endure yet another bleak midwinter?
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New Year’s Eve
Kacie Bennett is stranded in London and desperate to get home to avert a family crisis. She’s shocked when a tall, dark handsome stranger offers her a first class airline ticket, no strings attached.
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