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The Write Way……..

April 18, 2008 by in category Archives

By Maureen Child

Well, I missed my blog day yesterday and all I can cry is DEADLINE!

That’s the thing about being a working writer–when you’re in the sprint to the finish line, everything else falls by the wayside. Housework, cooking, husbands, kids, BLOGS. I’m not saying that’s a good thing, but it seems to be inevitable.

By the time you’re at the end of your book and the deadline is looming and you know there’s an editor somewhere in New York scrubbing her hands together waiting to get hold of your manuscript, that’s ALL you can think about.

You’ve lived and breathed with these characters for weeks–sometimes months. You’ve been their creator, their co-conspirator, their tormentor and because of all of that, you’re much too involved with your fictional world to look up and notice the real world.

That’s a good thing, usually. But let me be the first to say, don’t let the fictional world keep you in thrall for too long. Fight your way past your characters and your stories to make sure your real world gets plenty of attention, too. And yes, I do see the irony in me handing out that advice. But I got a wake up call last night and I vow that my real world is from now on going to be every bit as vivid as my fictional one………..

Maureen Child is the author of more than 100 books. She’s a RITA finalist this year along with being a finalist in the National Readers Choice awards. She is, at the moment, outside, enjoying the real world.

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Eye On Hollywood

April 13, 2008 by in category Archives tagged as ,

Life is like a box of chocolates…

Writing my monthly blog, “Eye On Hollywood”, sometimes has me feeling like the Forrest Gump of OCC. You see, not only were Forrest and I both raised in Alabama–both had supportive Mamas, but each of us has had a story about either an important event or a famous person we have met. We both got awards, too. Forrest Gump received an Oscar, by being voted best movie of the year..,and me, an Emmy, simply cause I asked for it. No, they weren’t just giving them away. I happened to mention jokingly to an Art Director, who had just won his ninth award that if he wanted to balance out the look of his book shelf, he should give me the extra award. Surprisingly, he handed it over to me. And now the statue, has found a prominent place in my living room. Something like this could only happen to Forrest Gump…oh, and me.

But the similarities between Forrest and myself doesn’t end there…as we both have met Presidents and have had our pictures taken with them. Actually, I also got to meet two First Ladies, as well.

I met Gerald Ford’s wife, Betty, while I was working on the American Film’s Life Time Achievement Awards for Fred Astaire. And up until a few months ago, I would see Nancy Reagan, on a monthly basis, at my beauty salon. When her husband died, I offered her my condolences and gave her words of encouragement, as she reminded me so much of my mother after my own father’s passing. Mrs. Reagan was always sweet, but very quiet and became more frail looking after her husband’s death.

This might have been a coincidence, but I also noticed that the two young and handsome Special Agents that normally accompanied her to hair appointments, were soon replaced by older, heavier Agents, after Ronnie’s passing. And on more than one occasion, the Agents were amused by the tin foil on my head and the blue goo running down from my scalp, as I passed them by the shampoo bowl (I know it‘s shocking to believe…but I’m not a natural blonde).

As far as me meeting a President…. Well, one thing I’ve learned with working with celebrities, and especially men, is that they all have egos. So all I had to do, as he was being shuffled away by a entourage of Special Agents and body guards, was to call out, “Oh, Mister President”. Ignoring the urging of his security team to proceed towards the exit and onto his waiting car, President Clinton turned around and walked back to the twenty or so, CBS employees, who were being roped off by studio security. He shook hands and converse with each and every one of us. Luckily, someone down the hall from the News Department, happened to be there testing a new camera.

With a world population of over six billion people and only 43 men and 43 woman who can claim the title of either being a President or a First Lady of The United States of America, did I ever think I’d get the opportunity to meet one of them? Well, I should have paid more attention to Forrest’s words and realized– you just never know….


Bobbie Cimo is the OCC/RWA Programs Director who has brought us such notable speakers as Dean Koontz, Tami Hoag, Jackie Collins and Robert Crais.

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A Writer’s Pursuit…

April 12, 2008 by in category Archives tagged as

Of Answers About Novel Excerpts On Websites

by Michele Cwiertny

Since my March post on A Slice of Orange, I have finished my dark paranormal romance novel. Woo-hoo! I’m thrilled to read on paper what has possessed my thoughts for months.

This story, its characters…Sigh. I can’t even count how many times my hero and heroine moved me to type as the tears stung my eyes then grin and break out into laughter as they got to know one another; how many times my neck stiffened from the tension held there because I feared for their lives as they fought the evil encroaching on the village; and how with a simple touch or a courageous deed, they made me fall devotedly in love over and over. Yes, I’m passionate about this book, and I’m just as excited to start the proposals for the next two in trilogy as well. I can’t wait!

But right now, I’m polishing my synopsis and query letter for this one so I can send this baby out…And I’ve got to tell you, it was easier writing the book than writing this synopsis! (It’s coming along, though…I think. No, it really is. Maybe. Argh. LOL)

I do have some questions for all of you, published and unpublished, and any comments and suggestions are most welcome. 🙂

* What do you think about unpublished writers posting excerpts of their stories on their websites? See, I hadn’t considered this when I was querying agents or editors before with a historical romance. But, with this paranormal, I’m thinking I should…and I’m curious as to your opinion about doing so.

Pros and Cons?

1. If you say yes, then would you put up the first couple of chapters? Or a writing sample from somewhere else in the story?

2. If you say no, then what are your reasons behind that decision?

3. Any other thoughts?

I look forward to reading your answers! Thanks!


Michele Cwiertny writes dark paranormal romance set in a fictional town in Maine (her favorite place in the world). To find out more about her, please visit her website,, or her personal blog, Michele’s Writing Corner.

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Video Podcasting Madness

April 11, 2008 by in category Archives tagged as

by Jina Bacarr

The RWA Conference in San Francisco is only a few months away. It seems like only yesterday we were heading to Dallas for the 2007 conference. Ah, the memories…here are three (3) videos from the RWA Conference in Dallas, Texas for you to enjoy!

First up is SUSAN SQUIRES and the interview I did with her in the lobby of the Hyatt Regency Hotel:

Next is BOBBIE CIMO, OCC Program Director:

Can you imagine a hotel ballroom filled with 450 of your favorite romance authors?

Join me as I take you to the Literacy Signing at the RWA Conference in Dallas. This is one of the most popular events at the yearly conference as I take you behind the scenes.

That’s it for this month!! I’ll have more video podcasting madness for you in May.

Best, Jina

Jina Bacarr is the author of The Blonde Geisha , Naughty Paris, Tokyo Rendezvous, a Spice Brief, and her new erotic spy thriller, Spies, Lies & Naked Thighs.

Check out her MySpace page and meet Breezy Malone, the heroine in Spies, Lies & Naked Thighs.

“Get Caught in the Act!”

Are you going to RWA San Francisco? Check out Brenda Novak’s auction and bid on a chance to have your own podcast!!

I’ll be doing a podcast for a lucky winner as well a critique and luncheon at the RWA Conference this summer! Bidding starts May 1st.

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It’s Worth It

April 9, 2008 by in category Archives tagged as


by Kitty Bucholtz

I hit a wall last month. Not a writer’s block wall, a running-ahead-at-full-steam and hit-a-wall and crashed-and-burned kind of wall. It was totally unexpected and I’m still dazed, trying to figure out how it happened, how I didn’t see it coming so I could’ve prepared for it. But it was like one of those colds where you wake up healthy and well in the morning, have a sore throat at lunch, and are down for the count by dinner. Wham!

Some things in life are just unexpected and can’t be planned for. How many times have you heard that how your character responds to adversity shows who they really are? Well, character-named-Kitty-who-is-living-my-life, how are you going to respond? Who are you really?

I gave some thought to just quitting and getting a “real” job. (There is a voice in my head that is always delighted when I consider that, obviously a voice who doesn’t much like me, doesn’t believe I can make a living writing, and doesn’t give a hoot whether I know it.) But instead of making any decisions at all, I chose to give myself a week to do something else. Anything else. So I cleaned my kitchen top to bottom, took care of some errands, spent time with my husband, went shopping (something I don’t often have time to do – it was fun!), and then the week was up… and I still didn’t know what to do.

Monday my writing partners called me and literally got me out of bed. By the end of the phone call I realized I was going to survive; the worst of the virus was over. My husband and writing partners all supported me taking a couple weeks to work on a new idea I’ve been excited about. They all agreed my current book could use the perspective distance and time would bring. Everyone thinks I’ll be back in the excitement of this story by the end of the month, due in no small part to partaking in a little brainstorming in this other story I’m excited about.

Even God seemed to be encouraging me Monday. (I shouldn’t be surprised since he loves me so much, but I still usually am!) I flipped open my Bible after that phone call and almost immediately came to the verse that reminds us that God prepared in advance good works for us to do. Reading between the lines, I saw, “Don’t quit now, Kitty!”

I feel caught up in the rising tide of optimism – a strange feeling for me because I’m usually the one doing the encouraging. But already I feel better. Just writing about feeling better is making me feel better! I never did get out my resume, and I think it will still be in the drawer long after you read this. The writing life may be easy for some people, but it can be difficult for me. Still, through all the ups and downs, writing viruses and all, I can’t help but believe it’s worth it.

Kitty Bucholtz writes romantic comedies because, well, she lives one! She wrote her first book in the NBC cafeteria, the second snowed in at a Reno hotel, and the third from a tiny apartment in Sydney. Even though she loves talking about, writing about, and teaching about writing, she’s pretty sure she knows at least three people who aren’t writers.

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