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January 4, 2014 by in category Writing tagged as ,


I have no goals for 2014. How can that be? The new year rings in, and yet – not a one.

Oh, I could put down the obvious to eat better, lose that extra five (maybe 10) pounds I’ve gained post-40, be a bit more patient with my daughters! Writing-wise, I’d like to complete my two contracted stories- one a full-length novel, and a standalone short story – on time.
But what else?
Learn a foreign language? It’s hard enough to remember the day-to-day items these days. (Seriously, on our mini vacation, I nagged my daughters to remember their new iPad chargers, and forgot my own phone charger and fancy shoes).  One year I vowed to learn to play guitar. After cutting my nails down super-super short and growing calluses, I decided maybe I didn’t like it so much after all.
One goal I really want to make is finishing the OCC/RWA Book in a Year challenge. I didn’t in 2013. I know, I know. I probably have about 40K written in the YA, with an estimated 50K needed for the first draft. I should be able to get it done. Since it’s my second year going for it, and the umpteenth year I’ve worked on it, you know I want it finished.
There’s also the matter of that publisher who has rejected two of my manuscripts. I need to decide if the third time’s a charm, or accept that maybe my voice is not what they’re looking for. (Plus, I need to submit those other two stories elsewhere. I know they’re good, and they deserve a home.)
As for our particular group of writers, how about a chapter goal? For the past few years, we’ve been flirting with just under 200 members. We’ve done well pulling in some new members, and I love seeing the growing camaraderie. Since I’m a bit of a numbers freak, I’d like to push past that marker. 
So what about you? What are your goals for 2014? No matter what, let’s make it a fantastic year!
— Louisa Bacio
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Special Workshop: “Before You Hit Send” with Angela James

January 2, 2014 by in category Archives tagged as , , , ,

Saturday, January 18, 2014
A One-Day workshop Sponsored by OCC/RWA
 â€œBefore You Hit Send”
Presented by Angela James
            Where:        The Embassy Suites – Brea
                                    900 E. Birch St. Brea, CA 92821
            When:          Saturday, January 18, 2014
                                    Doors Open at 8:30 a.m.
Class Begins at 9:00 a.m.
                                    Lunch* at 12:00 p.m.
                                    Class Resumes at 1:15 p.m.
                                    Class ends at 4:30 p.m.
What:          A Self-Editing Workshop
The course, updated and enhanced with new material and information each time it’s offered, will guide you from the basics of self-editing and grammar in a clear, conversational manner with examples, to more advanced topics such as show versus tell and passive voice. Through it all, Angela will be available for clarification and questions in order to help you on your way to a cleaned-up manuscript and understanding the basics of editing your manuscript.
            Cost:             $55 OCC Chapter Members
                                    $70 All Other Attendees
*The cost includes lunch at the hotel. There is only one meal choice and if you have dietary restrictions, please email
Registration can be done by payment via Paypal. Please visit the OCC/RWA event page. You can also pay by check at the January OCC/RWA meeting.

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Calls for Submission — Happy New Year’s

December 31, 2013 by in category Writing tagged as , , ,

Start your New Year with some new creativity. Here’s a sampling of recent calls for submissions. 

How perfect is this new call from Loose Id? Sometimes, such a teaser causes the perfect stimulation, and my brain’s been tingling with this one.
Every year, millions of people make resolutions for the new year. Most of them fall by the wayside within a few weeks, but what about the ones that don’t? Resolutions is an open collection focusing on what happens in the wake of someone’s New Year’s resolution.
Did they resolve to be more adventurous and meet the hunk of their dreams finally going on that skydiving trip they promised themselves? Did they resolve to compliment at least one stranger a day, and pick the just right day to compliment a down-in-the-dumps billionaire? Did they resolve to buy at least one dress that isn’t black, or a pair of pants that isn’t leather? To try out for The Voice, or the local production of Grease? Did they take their artwork into a gallery? Put their profile on a dating site? 
Resolutions features the commitment and the sexily ever after that somehow grows out of it. Anywhere and anyway that the tradition of making resolutions exists, even if it’s a place that only exists in your imagination, a Resolution story could take place. A Resolutions protagonist can be anyone. The sky’s the limit.
Specifics: stories must be at least 30K and preferably not longer than 80K; all genres you can work a New Year’s resolution into will be considered. To be considered for publication as a Resolutions title by the end of 2014, we must have your submission by no later than August 15th, but they can be submitted at any time before that for earlier publication dates. Follow the guidelines below for submitting a proposal, and include “Resolutions” in your email’s subject line.
For more information, visit Loose Id
Science Fiction – East of the Web
We’re seeking imaginative, idea-filled science fiction and fantasy short stories. Stories should be accessible, with strong plots and compelling characters, written with a good knowledge of the science fiction or fantasy canon.
We pay for selected stories starting at $0.05 per word or a mix of an advance and a royalty. Stories should be at least 7,000 words. Stories will be published under a new electronic imprint from East of the Web, one of the world’s leading publishers of short stories.
We encourage the submission of previously published as well as new stories. If you’re looking for a way to make some money from your back catalog or to get those stories in front of new readers, we would like to hear from you.
For more information, visit East of the Web
Love Me Tender
Scandalous Submission call for stories from the 1950s
As you probably know, our regular submission guidelines stop at 1949. We thought it might be fun to see what you creative types could do with some pomade, pencil skirts, and rock-n-roll music, so we invite you to submit a story that takes place anytime from 1950-1959.
    Word count 15-20k
   Heat level: any
 Happy Ever After- please!
Submissions end March 31
For more information, visit Entangled Publishing
Any of these calls sound good? Have one you’re working on? 
Until next time,
Louisa Bacio
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Season’s Greetings from the OC

December 16, 2013 by in category The Romance Journey by Linda Mclaughlin tagged as

Wishing you a happy holiday and a healthy and prosperous New Year.

Linda McLaughlin aka Lyndi Lamont

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December 15, 2013 by in category Archives tagged as , , ,
This morning I received three emails.
One was from a lady who in Scotland who read one of my books and joined my fan page. She wanted me to know how much she appreciated waking up and finding that I had responded to her messages.
 The second was from a man in Australia who sent me a list of things he liked about Silent Witness. He highlighted sentences that he particularly liked, but at the end of his note he said “thank you for making Hannah so intelligent.”
The third was from the woman who wrote me my first fan letter. We’ve been pen pals for 28 years. Now we communicate on the computer, but every once in a while we still send one another a card, remember birthdays, the holidays and share information on grandchildren (hers since I only have a grand dog).
The point is that what authors do is extremely personal. It begins with our characters. If we don’t feel them in our souls and translate that feeling into words on the page, our books will be enjoyed but not treasured. When we do make that magic happen and a reader reaches out, opening a personal dialogue with them will make a reader into a fan. In some wonderful instances our efforts also create a friend. 
Here are my top five rules of engagement:
1)   Know the personal history and habits of every character in your book and write as if you live and die with them.
2) When a fan writes, write back with more than a thank you. Acknowledge that you appreciate the time they took to write to you. I am always excited when someone takes the time to read my work; that they go the extra step is like having a cheerleader in my corner. I want them to know that.
3) Start a personal dialogue slowly. There are those fans that would like more of your time than others and those who wish to have a more personal relationship than you might be willing to enter into. It is up to you to set the parameters. For the most part, though, these relationships will be casual, fun and fulfilling for both sides.
4) If a reader contacts you about something in your book that touched them, expound on what got you to that place. For instance, Hostile Witness was inspired by a case my husband handled. As a criminal judge, he sentenced a sixteen-year-old boy to life in adult prison. The character, Hannah, and the plot of that book were based on this experience. It is a bit of personal information that is not too intimate but is interesting to readers.
5) Truly enjoy your interaction with readers, other authors and reviewers. Never look at it as a chore.
We are, perhaps, the luckiest people in the world. Despite the fact that our profession is solitary, the result of our labor is a book that reaches hundreds and sometimes thousands of people. When they reach back, that is the hallmark of success. Embrace real life dialogue; it is part of the joy of writing.

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