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Kitty Bucholtz Featured Author of the Month

May 14, 2018 by in category Featured Author of the Month tagged as , ,

Kitty Bucholtz | Featured Author for May | A Slice of Orange


The Featured Author of the Month is Kitty Bucholtz.


Kitty grew up in Northern Michigan, so naturally she uses that area as the setting for most of her stories.  She went to college in Traverse City, met and married the love of her life, and waved goodbye to everything she knew when she and her husband John struck out for parts unknown.

Their adventures included going back to school, changing careers, and traveling Down Under. They spent three years in Sydney, Australia, where Kitty earned her Master of Arts in Creative Writing degree from University of Technology, Sydney, while John made a penguin named Mumble dance. Only God knows where they’ll wind up next – but they’re pretty sure it will be another cool chapter in their adventure!

Kitty decided to combine her undergraduate degree in business, her years of experience in accounting and finance, and her graduate degree in creative writing to become a writer-turned-independent-publisher. She writes romantic comedy and superhero urban fantasy, often with an inspirational element woven in. She loves to teach and offer advice to writers through her WRITE NOW! Workshop courses and the new WRITE NOW! Workshop Podcast.

For more information on Kitty, please visit her website


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Mayhem & Murder in May

May 13, 2018 by in category Apples & Oranges by Marianne H. Donley tagged as , , , , , ,

Mayhem & Murder | Marianne H. Donley | A Slice of Orange



Do you read crime novels? 


The Crime Writers Association has declared May to be National Crime Reading Month.  They and The Crime Reading Association have a month-long list of books to read, events to attend, activities in which to participate and other goodies.  Here is the website.  The catch—looks like everything takes place in the UK.

But don’t despair if you happen not to live in the UK, here at  A Slice of Orange we have plenty of crime for you to read.

First up are the Thrillers 


Rebecca Foster, Maureen Klovers, and Jonathan Maberry


Secret Relations | Rececca Forster | A Slice of Orange Hagar's Last Dance | Maureen Klovers | A Slice of OrangeGlimpse | Jonathan Maberry | A Slice of Orange










Next Mysteries


Janet Lynn & Will Zeilinger, Mary Castillo and Carol L. Wright 


Slick Deal | Janet Elizabeth Lynn and Will Zeilinger | A Slice of OrangeLost in the Light | Mary Castillo | A Slice of OrangeJudging a Book by Its Cover | Carol L. Wright | A Slice of Orange









Cozy Mysteries


Linda O. Johnston, Meriam Wilhelm and Maureen Klovers


Pick and Chews | Linda O. Johnston | A Slice of OrangeMurder by Magic | Meriam Wilhelm | A Slice of OrangeThe Secret Garden | Maureen Klovers | A Slice of Orange









And if you like a little romance with your crime we have:

Romantic Suspense


Linda O. Johnston, Kat Martin, and Monica McCabe 


Second Chance Soldier | Linda O. Johnston | A Slice of OrangeBeyond Danger | Kat Martin | A Slice of OrangePhantom Pearl | Monica McCabe









We hope you enjoy your Mayhem & Murder in May. What crime novels are you planning to read?

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What is ALT TEXT and How To Use it? By Denise M. Colby

May 12, 2018 by in category The Writing Journey by Denise Colby tagged as , , ,

Using Alt Text to maximize your SEO with your website images Part 1 of 3 by Denise M. Colby

If you’re like me, you’ve seen the line entry called Alt Text when you uploaded an image to your website and wondered, What is that? Do I need to put something there? 

Short answer – YES, you do. 

Alt Text, an abbreviation for alternative text, is sometimes referred to as attributes, descriptions or tags of images on the internet.  In essence, the words provided in the Alt Text entry are used to label and describe the appearance and function of an image on a webpage.

In simpler terms:

  • Ever see text in place of an image that did not load?  That’s Alt Text.
  • Ever wonder how images are chosen when searching specific terms?  That’s Alt Text.
  • Ever hover your mouse over an image and words appear to describe what you are seeing?  That’s NOT Alt Text.  That is Image Title Attribute and is a little more advanced and just as important.  I will cover that topic in another post.  For now, let’s continue on about Alt Text.

Why is Alt Text important? 

It allows your images to appear when someone searches a specific word or phrase in any search engine.

You have probably heard the term SEO (search engine optimization). SEO is important. The stronger your website SEO, the more your readers can find you on the internet, whether it’s from a blog post, your book page, or even your welcome page.

Alt Text adds to your website SEO. 

It helps index the image and allow someone searching by keywords to find images that have those keywords in their Alt Text.

For example:  I participate in a weekly post called First Line Fridays.  I add my standard blog header to each and every post.  I also post an image of the book I’m featuring. For both, I include the words ‘First Line Fridays’ in the Alt Text (see images below).

This first photo is actually two images combined into one to show how the data is connected.

The first half shows the image as I insert it into my blog post on my website.

The second half shows where the Alt Text appears when the image shows on a search page. As you can see, the Alt Text appears as a photo description.


First Line Fridays Alt Text Search Example by Denise M. Colby for A Slice of Orange Blog Post


Because I add ‘First Line Fridays’ to my Alt Text, my images appear in the search when I google ‘First Line Fridays’, along with other blogs who use the same words in their Alt Text.

This next photo highlights my second example.  One of the books I featured was my friend’s, Nancy J. Farrier.  Because I put First Line Fridays in the Alt Text with her book cover photo when I added it to my post, it appeared in the search output for First Line Fridays with my website.


Alt Text Search Example for blog post Image and how it appears in search by Denise M. Colby

Then, if I was to click on this image, it would take me to my website because it is linked to my website.

Interestingly, if you search by Nancy’s name, Nancy J. Farrier, my blog header shows up in images because I have a blog post that uses Alt Text with her name.

It can be a little confusing.

Thus, what you need to know is how to create good Alt Text and let the search engines do the rest.  

How to add Alt Text to your image in WordPress:

1. Upload image to your media.

2. On the right hand side where it says Alt Text, type in the most descriptive words for your image. 

  • Several sources say to keep it at 125 characters.
  • Write it as a complete sentence or choose words someone would use to search for what your picture is. 
    • This is so if your image didn’t appear, readers would know exactly what the photo was about by reading the words only.
  • Include any colors and describe the action, if available.
  • Don’t cram in every keyword possibility.  It makes it difficult for search engines to categorize the image. More specific it is, the easier it can be indexed.

3. Make sure your website link is listed (it’s usually automatic) to the image, so in a search the image could be clicked on.  This takes the user to your website page where the image is posted.  This is different than adding a link into the post directly, which you would do if you wanted to provide where to purchase a book, for example.

4. Insert image into your post

It’s that simple.

And once you enter in Alt Text in your media file it stays, so you won’t have to enter it in again.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you go back and change Alt Text for any photo in your media, it does not automatically update the photos already placed in your existing posts. 

If you want to fully SEO optimize your website, you would need to go back and delete and add in the photo again with the updated Alt Text.

I hope you have a better understanding of what Alt Text is and how it works. Part 2 and 3 will talk about two other ways to add background data to your images to maximize your SEO on your website or blog.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments!



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My Endless Summer of Reading by Jina Bacarr

May 11, 2018 by in category Jina’s Book Chat, Writing tagged as , , , , , , , ,

It’s the reading month of May!

In case you didn’t know it, May is #GetCaughtReadingMonth, so I decided to challenge myself to do “a graphic a day with someone reading a book.”

I’m a third of my way through the month, and I’m hanging in there. So for this month’s blog, I’m going to post some of them for your viewing and reading pleasure.

First, here’s a graphic I really love because it says so much about how lucky we are to choose what we read.

Which brings me to my own version of the Endless Summer

When I was thirteen, I spent my free time in the old library by the beach with its dusty shelves and cracked, wooden floor. It was the summer I discovered boys and surfing.

And the library’s adult section.

Reading everything I could find there. Romance sagas in hardback, mysteries with provocative covers. Adventure stories girls weren’t supposed to read.

Until a lady wagged her finger at me and told me to go back to the kids’ section.

I didn’t.

Even then I knew I wanted to write, and to write what was in my heart, I needed the freedom to discover all kinds of writing.

Enjoy the freedom to choose what you want to read!

By the way, I didn’t listen to her and kept sticking my Irish nose wherever I smelled a good story…


So for #GetCaughtReadingMonth, here are some of the graphics I’ve posted so far:


You can find all the #GetCaughtReadingMonth graphics I’ve done so far and check them out all this month of May on Twitter and my Facebook pages:

And finally, since it’s prom month:

Ever wanted to be Prom Queen?

Kaylee is tired of being bullied by the Duchess in Crystal Girl and sells her soul to get thin

Here’s the story of Kaylee and her promposal . . . from a hottie devil!



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Stuck at Home While My Friends are at RT

May 10, 2018 by in category Charmed Writer by Tari Lynn Jewett, Events, Writing tagged as , , , , , , , , , , ,

There’s a very special group on Facebook, if I do say so myself. The #CharmedWriters group. You may or may not have heard of it. It’s a semisecret group but it has a lot of power, at least within its members and special guests.

It started a couple of years ago at this very time. Many of our local writer friends were getting ready to attend the annual Romantic Times Convention. For those of you not familiar with it, Romantic Times is a magazine for romance readers. Every year they put together an amazing convention that connects romance readers with the authors that they love.

Anyway, many of us were “stuck at home, while our friends were at RT 2016”. And thus, a Facebook event titled Stuck at Home While My Friends are at RT was born. I invited all of my writer friends, at the time mostly romance writers. And they invited some of their friends. About 25 authors participated. It was basically a Butt in Chair event, where our goal was to keep our butts in our desk chairs, and see how many words we could write while our friends were partying at Romantic Times. We had word count challenges, we talked about promo, we had online happy hours for networking. All in all, I think those who attended had a great time, I know I did.

Many of the writers broke their highest daily and weekly word counts that week, individually writing 10, 20 and more than 30,000 words. We got a lot of work done, learned from each other, made new friends, and motivated and inspired each other.

And I gave out charms. Lots and lots of charms. When the week ended, we didn’t want this special week to just fizzle and go away, and the #CharmedWriters group was formed, named for the charms we earned while writing. We continued writing together regularly in what we call Office Hours, and had a few more Butt in Chair events in 2016.

Last year I added speakers to the Stuck at Home event, making it more of an online conference, and the most amazing people stepped up and hosted online Ask an Authors and Workshops, and the event has continued to evolve including not just authors, but industry experts. Members get access to some highly successful and incredibly brilliant people.

Next week we have a special line up of speakers including the wildly talented romance author Megan Hart (I’m a huge fan!). Author, and book coach the inspiring Ara Grigorian. The multi-talented romance author, editor and cover designer Judi Fennell. Award winning YA author, marketing wiz, and my former playgroup friend, Elena Dillon. Romance author and historical fashion designer/seamstress Victoria Vane, I’ve seen her gowns in person and they are amazing! And publicist and career coach Robin Blakely, who works with my friend, author of my favorite legal thrillers, Rebecca Forster…who has previously been a presenter for #CharmedWriters, and if you haven’t read her books you should! Not that she needs me to promo for her, she’s a brilliant writer…and she has Robin Blakely! And you probably know both Rebecca and Robin from right here on Slice of Orange.

Do you wish you were a member now? Keep reading!

A couple of weeks ago we hit 100 members when a friend of mine from middle school, author Christine Simolke, joined the group.

Our membership is made up of authors at various stages in their writing journey, but all are seriously pursuing a writing career. We share our work, give and receive help, share experience and knowledge, help each other promote, and even more. Many of us have become friends, we share a passion that even if our friends and family support us, they don’t always understand.  It’s truly a #CharmedPlace.

To be included you need to be invited by a member of the group, and you need to be actively writing. So, if you’re actively writing, and you’d like to be a #CharmedWriter, consider this an invitation! Friend me on Facebook and if we’re already friends just send me a message!

So, being Stuck at Home While My Friends are at RT is no longer such a bad thing! And now you know why I titled my column Charmed Writer. Because I am!!




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