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July 5, 2017 by in category Pink Pad by Tracy Reed tagged as , , , ,

Tracy Reed | A Slice of OrangeHappy Summer and post Independence Day.  I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.

Let’s talk about unexpected stories.

I apologize if I’ve already told the story about my upcoming release, “UNEXPECTED LOVE.”  My relationship with this story goes back several years.  When I first decided to become an Indie Writer, I had quite a few stories dancing around in my mind.  I had this idea for a series about a woman and the many men in her life.  More like all the men she’d married.

When I set out to start writing the series, the task seemed a little daunting.  I don’t know about anyone else, I easily get attached to my characters.  But if I don’t feel a connection, it’s difficult for me to tell their story.

When I got the idea for this story, I imagined it as a five book series.  I had all the husbands mapped out.  However, when I started writing, it felt very forced.  I was so overwhelmed trying to tell this woman’s story.  I abandoned the series and thought I would tell it as a stand alone.  Summarizing each of the husbands and focusing on the one she really loved.

I picked up the pages I’d started, made a few changes and set out to write.  I liked where this story was going, but as I got more involved with the characters, the story started to change.  It was no longer a story about a bitter divorcee, but a liberated divorcee who finds love in an unexpected source, her ex-husband’s ex-best friend, who just happens to be her divorce attorney.  That’s either a mouthful or a blurb.

The more involved I got with Fiona’s story, the more I liked her.  But I also felt sorry for her.  She’s a sweetheart, searching for her voice.  In a nutshell, she married her college crush who later deceived her. Once she made up her mind to divorce him, she found her voice.  I love her transition, although it’s not without it’s ups and downs.  One of which is the change in her relationship with her attorney and her self-esteem.

Last year when I set out to write twelve titles in a year, I had this title on the schedule as a short story.  However, I didn’t think there was enough story for a book.  So I resolved myself to make it a short story. I cleaned up the first chapter and started writing.  But when I started writing, the story took a turn.  It was no longer about Fiona and her husband, but Fiona and her attorney.

I continued writing thinking I could tell the story in novella length.  As I got closer to what would be considered maximum novella length, the characters kept talking.  No matter how hard I fought to end the story, they kept talking, so I kept writing.  I really enjoyed the direction the story was going.  Then I wrote myself into a hole.  Crap!  I didn’t see a way out, so I introduced another character thinking she would help me.  Instead, she led me to a wall and the only way around the wall was another character.  Hold on, it gets better.  When I introduced this character, he brought his own storyline in addition to tearing down the wall.

So here I was with a full-length novel.  But here’s the kicker.  When I introduced Fiona’s brother [aka “the wall”], into the mix, the story took another turn and led me to a place I never would have imagined being, “Cliffhanger Boulevard.”

Yep, my five book series originally titled, “My Five Husbands” was changed to a stand alone novel.  Then it got a title switch to “UNEXPECTED LOVE.”   Then it became a short story, that grew into a novella that reverted back to a full-length stand alone, which is now book one in a new series.  Talk about unexpected.

So what’s the lesson learned?  Never throw out an idea.  Instead, put it aside and when the time is right, revisit it.  You might be surprised what story you can tell.

See you next month.

Here’s a cover peek.

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Replay…Party In My Head

June 5, 2017 by in category Writing
Sorry about the delay in posting.  I’ve been a little distracted working on soft edits for my new book, “Unexpected Love”, which I’ll talk about next month.  So this month, I’m doing a replay from my blog [March 25, 2015].  See you next month.



How many people are at the party in your head?  Ask any writer this question and you may be surprised by the answer.

This is a question I’ve been asking myself this week.  I currently have standing room only at the party in my head.  I’m writing one book, editing two, promoting another, writing mental notes on three others and reading one for pleasure.

When I decided to become a writer, it was a different time in publishing.  If you put out three books a year, that was considered a lot.  As the indie writing market grew, so did the desire for fresh content.

I had a plan, four books max a year.  One every quarter…very old school thinking.  I’ve been following a few writers and have learned, I have to write more.  SHOCK!

I had it all planned.  I’d release my first book and take about three months and then release the next one.  I figured I’d release the follow up to GENERATIONAL CURSE early next year.  Then I increased my reading and understood why that wasn’t going to work.  When you become attached to characters and finish their story, you immediately want to know what happened next.  I wasn’t prepared for this.

I wrote GENERATIONAL CURSE, while waiting to hear from a potential publisher about a different book.  I figured once that series was sold, I’d have a little time before GENERATIONAL CURSE was ready to go.  So I focused all of me energy on the other series.  However, things changed and GENERATIONAL CURSE was released first.  Now I have people asking will there be a follow up?  Yes.  I’m working on it and it’s an eye opener.  You get to meet Kyla’s sister and she’s something else.

So how many characters are in my head?  Too many to list. Smile

Tracy Reed

Sophisticated Romance

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May 5, 2017 by in category Pink Pad by Tracy Reed tagged as , , ,

Facebook Ads| Tracy Read | A Slice of OrangeI am a huge fan of Facebook [FB] Ads.  Having said that.  Let’s get started.

Like most Indie Writers, I am my own marketing director and publicist.  Ultimately, I am the only one getting the word out about my books.  No matter how many people I bribe, I mean beg to post on their social media or who voluntarily spread the word, getting the word out is on me.

I have been fortunate to participate in book promotional events


I have been very fortunate to participate in a couple of book promotional events that helped build my mailing list.  As well as, using Facebook ads.

The first time I placed a FB ad, I didn’t expect thousands or even hundreds of subscribers.  I was just hoping someone clicked the ad. Facebook Ads | Tracy Reed | A Slice of Orange

I thought my first FB ad, did decent…reach 3,050, subscribers 46 and $23.47 over a 5  day period.  The second time I placed a FB ad the reach was 2,589, number of subscribers 81 and  $53.49 over a 7 day period.  [I might be off on my duration by a day or two.]  Again, I thought those were good numbers.  I tried it one more time.  This time the reach was 3,609 with 144 subscribers at a cost of $74.47. [Each ad was done with a different book or a free book.]

Reality Check


I recently got a reality check when it came to my results…these were not that good.  Another thing I didn’t do, was keep good records.  All I was looking at was how many subscriptions I got and not going over budget.

I recently completed Mark Dawson’s course on Facebook Ads and realize I could have done better.  [This isn’t a post for the course or Mark Dawson.]  Some of my classmates have been posting their results and even the examples in the lectures, revealed, I could have done much, much better.

I finished the class excited about correcting my mistakes.  I know I can’t fall prey to the writer’s golden rule, “Don’t compare your progress/success to another writer.  I hear myself saying the words and see them in this post.  Yet, I can’t help but compare my results to much more successful writers.

Facebook Ads 2 | Tracy Reed | A Slice of OrangeI ran a couple, okay a few ads and the results were horrible.  See for yourself.


Reach  Clicks

1,416         50

3,307        43

1,318         32

686            29


No, those aren’t my Amazon rankings, but the results of my FB ads.  I got so frustrated.  I ran these numbers by my accountability group and in the FB group for my class.  Check out the ads throughout the post and tell me, what the problem is, because I’m stumped.

My numbers were doing so badly, I would change ads in the middle of the day or only let the ad run a day, maybe two.  I finally settled on one ad and then I pulled the rest.  I let that ad run three days, but the numbers never got any better.

I posted my issue on my class group and someone in my FB group came up with the only thing that made since…reviews.  I have a nice library or catalogue, but I don’t have a lot of reviews on the books I was trying to sell.  True, there are a couple of ads that are bad, but the reviews is the thing that really made the most sense.  I also changed the audience, but the numbers didn’t improve.

The ad with the reluctant heiress, is the one I finally settled on.


Apparently, reviews play a much bigger part than I knew.  Let me back track, because that makes me sound ill-informed.  I know reviews are very important.  It was just when I ran the ads to increase my mailing list they really didn’t matter because I was looking to increase my mailing list.  Not sell books. Facebook Ads 4 | Tracy Reed | A Slice of Orange

Again, not to push Mark’s course, but in the course, he shared a way to build a mailing list via an email sequence.  [I’m in the process of setting up an email sequence.  I’ll post about that later.]  I thought I could dive right into the ad game without expanding my mailing list.  My mailing list is over 2,100.  Like most writers, I’ve had some unsubscribe, which is cool.  I’ve also had some join organically.  However, I need to bump that number up.  Let me rephrase that, I want to bump it up.  A larger list, can improve my sales numbers.  More possible readers equals more possible sales.  Which can also mean a bigger pool or source of reviews.

I am determined to correct my epic FB ad fail and start over.  Step one, increase my email list.  Step two, set up a new FB ad attached to an email sequence.  Step three, get some reviews.

I plan to put my new plan into action on next week.  I’ll update you next month.

Tracy Reed | A Slice of Orange


Tracy Reed

Sophisticated Romance


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April 5, 2017 by in category Pink Pad by Tracy Reed tagged as , , ,

If you attended Cal Dreamin’ you’re probably still playing catch up. I love attending writers conferences. Where else can you be around your people? It’s wonderful being around people who don’t find it strange when you ask how to kill someone, get them pregnant or arrange their marriage. And then there’s the socializing. Writers get a lot of heat about the amount of wine and chocolate we eat. So we indulge a little; it’s research. If we were still in college, our conference would be considered “Spring Break”.

So my spring break was wonderful. And just like Spring Break, I got very little sleep, ate a lot and spent the weekend hanging with my friends.

Now that I’m back in the thick of things, I realize, I’m so behind. Couple that with my birthday on today, I was a little distracted and in need of a post for our new blog. [Thanks Marianne for all of your hard work on the blog].

Thank God for backup posts. I found a post I never published. Considering some of us are still basking in the afterglow of Cal Dreamin’ I thought it might serve as a little refresher. Keep in mind, I wrote this post around the time of publishing my first book.

Now that I have self-published my first book, I am officially a published author. Actually, when I published a couple of short stories awhile back, those made me a published author in theory, but not in marketing.

When I started my writing journey, I was focused on getting an agent and writing another book. I forgot about the other things.

It wasn’t until I went to an ACFW [American Christian Fiction Writers] conference that I realized I needed a presence before I needed a writing contract. [Since then, I’ve opted to go self-publishing.   However, the information is still the relevant.]

During the conference, the same word kept popping up, “Platform.” I didn’t have a clue what that meant the first time I heard it. Once I got clarification, I was instantly overwhelmed. Not only did I have to write the book, now I had to market it. I thought that was what the publisher did. SURPRISE for all you newbies, no matter what route you take, ultimately, you’ll be responsible for marketing your book. So now I was faced with another thing to deal with before I finished the first draft. A Platform. Needless to say, a few choice words entered my mind about a platform and where I wanted to put it. And let’s not forget, the major thing I needed to do: define my look. What the !*#&…

Remember this was a few years ago. I went back to my room and immediately tried to figure out who my target audience was and what would attract them. Here’s the funny thing about writers. We can write eighty thousand plus words, but it’s the little things that seem to trip us up. You know what I’m talking about…blurbs, one-liners, platforms, etc. All the things that help sell the book.

I knew I didn’t write traditional Christian fiction or romance, but I really wasn’t sure who my audience was. I forgot; I was my audience. I made a big choice. I don’t write to market per se. I write what I like. Which is why that eye-opening ACFW conference was my last. Please don’t get me wrong. I loved hanging with my ACFW people. The problem was, I was writing for a different reader and needed to learn how to market to them.

I thought I was writing for women but turns out, men are reading my books as well. That’s right, men read romance. But in my defense, some of my books fall into a few categories: contemporary romance, women’s fiction, steamy romance, and chick-lit. This is why I was confused about who I was writing for. I’m definitely not a man. As my old tagline said, “I’m a Christian woman who loves God, cute guys and fashion.” But not all of my audience fit that, so I changed it. My new tagline is very simple and speaks to my platform, “Sophisticated Romance.” Or simply put, I write books for grown people. I know that’s bad English, but it’s the truth.

So what was my platform? Once I realized who I was writing for, my platform came to life. I write books that are faith based with sophisticated themes. So how was I going to show that?

I took cues from my other business [The Pink Duchess…lingerie for curvy figures. Everything is done in black and white with fuchsia accents.] I’m very clear about how I market it. I have two types of business cards [one for vendors and one for clients], an online invoice template and a booklet on how to shop for lingerie I use in all of my marketing. But when it came to writing, like most newbies, I figured the publisher would handle everything.

Surprise! I discovered what I was doing for my business, I also needed to do for my writing. That meant I needed business cards, online invoices [thank God for Paypal], event or direct sale invoices, giveaway items, and inventory.

Here are a few questions I asked myself:
How do I want to present my writing self?
How would my reader expect me to look?
How do I grab the attention of potential readers?

Everything needed to be consistent. I made sure to carry the same theme and colors over to my website, marketing materials, and advertising. [If you did Elena Dillion’s class last month, this makes sense to you. If you didn’t check it out “Visual Content Marketing for the Confused and Terrified Writer”. ] Since it takes between 7 and 10 times to make an impact on someone, it was imperative that I be consistent with my look.

Here’s how I chose to build my professional look:
A LogoTracy Read|Sophisticated Romance
I found an image I modified in Photoshop.

I opted not to use business cards. Instead, I have bookmarks with my logo and two free downloads on the back.

I use PayPal for direct on-line sales and a simple receipt book for In Person Direct sales.

Notecards and Thank You Notes
I was fortunate to still have blank white note cards and envelopes with my name in pink on them already plus a few Thank You notes from my other business I wanted to use.

Marketing Cards
These are either the covers or an image that represents the story with a quote or the book’s one liner.

The hub of my platform. A few days before Cal Dreamin’ I launched my revised website. I wanted my new look to be a little more sophisticated and friendly to both sexes. I carried over my color theme to the site. It’s black and white with hints of fuchsia. I felt this look really said who I was and who my reader is. Contemporary with just enough femininity not to intimidate my male readers.

I have the whole pack…Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and a blog. All of them have the same sophisticated vibe. I still have a few tweaks to make, but I’m making it clear these are books for adults, not children. I found my reader is busy like me, and often in need of a visual break. Another reason why I opted for the black and white theme.

Now when people see my platform, I hope it’s understood who I am and what type of books I write.

Looking back to that conference when I first heard the word “Platform,” seems like a lifetime ago. Now when I meet newbies, I ask, “What’s your platform?” If they don’t know, I share what I’ve learned and hope they don’t freak out like I did.

As I continue to grow as a writer, I know my look will change…for the better. But right now, I’m very happy with the direction my platform is going.

See you next month.
Tracy Reed

Sophisticated Romance for Women

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February 5, 2017 by in category Pink Pad by Tracy Reed tagged as , , ,

Have you ever been too tired to think or create? That’s how I feel right now, but unfortunately, I can’t relax. Or rather, I tried to take a little time off from writing and creating, but my mind refuses to cooperate.

After the full writing year, I had last year, I figured I’d take some time off from writing and become more of a reader. For the past few years, I’ve been doing the GoodReads Reading Challenge. Last year, I read forty-five books, ten were my own. Not a lot for most romance readers, but for me, it was a lot, and I struggled to get those read because of my production schedule. This year I pledged to read forty-eight and decrease the number of titles I created. Unfortunately, the joke is on me. Instead of relaxing my creative muscle, I’ve been writing. What’s even more bizarre is I don’t know how to turn off my writing muscle or even if I want to.

Like most writers I use or follow a Production Schedule. Last year it was easy to follow or stay motivated with my schedule because I set a challenging goal, 12 Titles in 12 Months. This year, I knew I wasn’t going to set such a lofty goal for myself, so I was able to breathe a little.

When I sat down to do my Production Schedule for this year, I looked at the titles that didn’t make the grade last year. Although I published 12 titles last year, I had actually started and brought close to completion four additional titles. Technically, last year I wrote approximately a half million words. For some that may not seem like a lot, but for someone like me that hasn’t been writing that long, that’s a lot.

Those titles that don’t have 2016 as their birth year have become the stars of my 2017 production schedule. Now the question is, when will they be born? I’m not quite sure. So far, I have one of the titles completed, a non-fiction lifestyle book. I’m very excited and passionate about this title because it deals with a subject that is dear to me…being a fabulous Christian single.

Originally, I wanted this book out in January because that’s when most people are searching for help on how to change their lives. Unfortunately, I didn’t finish the book until the end of January after rewriting the last chapter three times and adding an additional chapter. Now I’m waiting to proof it before I send it to my editor.

The other book I’m struggling to finish was originally supposed to be my December 2016 release. What started out as a five book series became a short story which has been reborn again as a novel. In its resurrection, it’s also undergone a name change and protagonist change. And one of the biggest changes about this book is voice.

I started writing this book in third person, but as the protagonist developed, I felt the need to tell his side in first person. So now, the story is being told by both the heroine and protagonist in first person. When I made that simple change…who am I kidding, that was by no means a simple task. Changing the voice meant I had to go back and rewrite and add some chapters after being thirty-thousand plus words into the story. I’m very curious to know how this story ends.

So here I am with a production schedule that’s taunting me because I’ve already missed my first release date. I want to move forward with the stories. However, I’m creatively tired. If you’ve ever experienced that, post or email me [] how you worked through it.

As for the other two titles, one is approximately thirty thousand words away from completion. The other story so far is charting the opposite path of the one I’m currently working on. It started out as a short story, but after writing the first three thousand words, I fell in love with the character and see he has more depth than a short or even a novella. His story will definitely be a full-length book, and if he talks to me correctly, he’ll become a series.

Let’s see how my unborn stories turn out.

Happy writing and creating….

Tracy Reed

Fiction for Women Who Love God, Couture and Cute Guys

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