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Meet The Extra Squeeze Team

April 17, 2017 by in category The Extra Squeeze by The Extra Squeeze Team, Writing tagged as , , ,
The Extra Squeeze | A Slice of Orange

Ever wonder what industry professionals think about the issues that can really impact our careers? Each month The Extra Squeeze features a fresh topic related to books and publishing.

Amazon mover and shaker Rebecca Forster and her handpicked team of book professionals offer frank responses from the POV of each of their specialties — Writing, Editing, PR/Biz Development, and Cover Design.

Meet the Extra Squeeze Team

Rebecca Forster | Extra Squeeze

Rebecca Forster

USA Today Bestselling author of 35 books, including the Witness series and the new Finn O’Brien series.

Jenny Jensen

Developmental editor who has worked for twenty plus years with new and established authors of both fiction and non-fiction, traditional and indie.

Jenny Jensen | A Slice of Orange

H.O. Charles

Cover designer and author of the fantasy series, The Fireblade Array


Robin Blakely

PR/Business Development coach for writers and artists; CEO, Creative Center of America; member, Forbes Coaches Council.

Robin Blakely | The Extra Squeeze Team | A Slice of Orange

If you have a topic or question for the Extra Squeeze Team,  contact the Extra Squeeze online producer Marianne Donley by using the form:

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Happy Easter

April 16, 2017 by in category Writing

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Editor Meghan Farrell at Santa Clarita Romance Writers

April 14, 2017 by in category Writing, Writing Meetings tagged as , , ,

This Saturday, April 15th, is Santa Clarita Romance Writers’ monthly meeting.

Santa Clarita Romance Writers

Our speakers will be Meghan Farrell, Executive Editor of Tule Publishing.

You might be familiar with some of the authors published by Tule: Charlene Sands, Barbara Ankrum, Justine Davis and Jane Porter. (By the way, Jane is Founder and CEO of Tule.)

Meghan’s talk is going be on the almighty “query letter”. She’ll also be giving an overall view of Tule, on how they run and what they’re looking for.

Come for the meeting. Stay for lunch.

The meeting is from 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM at The Newhall Library-24500 Main St. Newhall, CA (aka Santa Clarita). We’re in the Heritage Room on the second floor. After the meeting, we will be taking Meghan out to lunch. Anyone who wants to join us is welcome to come. This is a great opportunity to spend some up-close and personal time with an editor. The meetings are casual, and best of, they’re free if you’re a first time visitor.

More about our new chapter.

Debra Holland and Bobbie Cimo

Our chapter might be new, but the quality of our speakers is top notch. So far we’ve had Tessa Dare (2017 Rita finalist), Debra Holland, Elena Dillion, Debbie Decker, Lisa Green, Martina Boone and our own Margaret Brownley (author of over 40 books and also a Rita finalist for this year).

If you can’t make this month’s meeting, here’s list of some of the upcoming speakers for the rest of the year, Mia Hopkins, Judy Duarte, Linda O. Johnston, Susan Squires and Liz Donatelli of Liz D Publicity Promotions. The name of Liz’s talk is, “Authors Meets Reader: Engaging in a Real Life Love Affair”. She’s going to explain why it’s important to make personal appearance, along with book signing events. Knowing how most writers are introverts, she’ll also be giving out pointers on how to feel comfortable at these events, even when they’re not buying your book.

Santa Clarita Romance Writers Meeting
If you want to know more about our chapter, check out our website. Santa Clarita Romance Writers. Hope to see some of you this Saturday–don’t worry taxes aren’t due until the 18th this year.

Bobbie Cimo

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April 1, 2017 by in category Apples & Oranges by Marianne H. Donley tagged as , , , ,


Welcome | A Slice of Orange

Welcome. Welcome. Welcome, to the all new A Slice of Orange.

Our new website is up, running, and ready for you to explore.

Boy, have we changed!

In addition to our lively and informative posts, we now have a Book Store featuring the titles of our authors and guests. We have a page dedicated to books On Sale (or free) and a New Release page. Our Events page features Contests for both published and unpublished authors, Conferences, Online Classes and workshops and Reader events.

If you are a long time reader of A Slice of Orange you will find your favorite writers, Jann Ryan, Tracy Reed, Linda O. Johnston, Kitty Bucholtz, Jina Bacarr, Rebecca Forster, Linda McLaughlin/Lyndi Lamont, Meriam Wilhelm, Isabel Swift, and Geralyn Corcillo still writing columns every month.

We are pleased to introduce several new bloggers to A Slice of Orange: H.O. Charles, Tari Lynn Jewett, Denise Colby, Sally Paradysz, Jenny Jensen, Robin Blakely, Veronica Jorge and partners Janet Lynn and Will Zeilinger.

On the last day of every month, we will feature The Extra Squeeze–four different perspectives on one topic. The team consists of Rebecca Forster, H.O. Charles, Jenny Jensen, and Robin Blakely. This month they will be tackling sensitivity editors. You can read this article from the Chicago Tribune now and then come back on April 30th to see what The Extra Squeeze thinks about the subject. You can also get in on the fun by asking questions or proposing topics you would like to see the team cover. Use The Extra Squeeze contact form to send them your ideas.

We’ve come a long way from 2006 and that small blog written by authors from Orange County, California. We now include not just California authors but with authors from the UK, all across the US to New Zealand–we nearly span the globe.  We hope you poke around, read some posts, buy some books.  Then, let us know how you like our new and improved version of A Slice of Orange.

Marianne H. Donley | A Slice of Orange


Marianne H. Donley

A Slice of Orange

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Keeper Shelf

February 23, 2017 by in category Reading tagged as , , ,

Every room in my house, including all the bathrooms and the basement, has books. My mother and three sisters have similar decorating tastes.  A family acquaintance once commented, rather snidely, that it was like we lived in a library.  We didn’t keep her around long because who wouldn’t want to live in a library?

If you push me, I will admit to believing that heaven looks a lot like the Huntington Library; a lovely old mansion, seriously great books on the shelves, beautiful art on the walls all surrounded by a stunning garden.  Since it’s my heaven, I would include the chamber orchestra playing Mozart that happened to be performing the very first time I visited the Huntington Library, and a Starbucks-free, of course.

I love books.  I love the way they look.  I love the way they feel in my hands.  I love the way they smell–especially old books.

Not just novels, either, although I have tons of those. I also adore math books, especially geometry.  I’m mad about all sorts of children’s books from Pat the Bunny and The Spooky Old Tree to The Bridge to Terabithia and Nancy Drew.  And knitting books.  I have a collection of tiny old books, all about the size of my hand.

But, if I had to pick just three books for my keeper-shelf . . .


COLD SASSY TREE by Olive Ann Burns  

Cold Sassy Tree is the story of fourteen-year-old Will Tweedy, his Grandpa Rucker and Grandpa’s scandalous new wife, Miss Love all set in turn-of-the-twentieth-century small town Georgia.  This book made me laugh out loud, Will Tweedy’s tall tale about his aunt inflatable bosom.  And cry until I couldn’t see to read, Grandpa Rucker and Will Tweedy lining Grandma’s grave with a blanket of roses.


The End of Eternity is a love story.   I know. I know.  It’s science fiction.  But trust me, it is a love story.  Andrew Harlan is an Eternal whose job it is to “adjust” time for the greater good of humanity.   But every modification has a price –some people’s timelines are changed out of existence.   Harlan and other Eternals live in Eternity a place outside of time, so these adjustments have no consequences in their lives.  On one of his assignments Harlan meets and falls in love with Noÿs Lambent, who is not an Eternal.  If Harlan completes his modification of time, Noÿs will cease to exist.  Yet, if he saves her, the resulting paradox will destroy all of Eternity.



The Crocodile on the Sandbank is the first book in Elizabeth Peters’ Amelia Peabody mystery series.  Amelia Peabody is a forceful English Victorian spinster with a passion for Egypt, cleaning, and issuing orders.  Her match is Radcliffe Emerson who has a passion for Egypt, issuing orders, and as it turns out Amelia.  (He doesn’t care so much about cleaning.)   This novel has everything I love about traditional mysteries.  The setting is historical. The POV is first person.  Peabody and Emerson are tons of fun.

So, if you had to pick three novels for your keeper shelf what would they be? 



Marianne H Donley


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