On Sunday, I attended the West Hollywood Book Fair in–you guessed it!–West Hollywood, California. I was on a panel called Ghosts, Ghouls & Goblins: Exploring the Supernatural in Mystery Fiction. Several of us on the panel write both paranormal fiction and in other genres, so it was enjoyable to discuss our decisions about what paranormal elements to include, and which stories to include them in.
I also signed books at the Sisters in Crime/LA booth, and I helped to staff the Mystery Writers of America, Southern California Chapter, booth, to tell people what MWA is about. Yes, I belong to MWA and SinC as well as RWA. Each organization provides something different–and valuable.
At the times I wasn’t otherwise scheduled, I sat at the Arfriend booth with my Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Lexie and Mystie. Lexie stars in my Kendra Ballantyne, Pet-Sitter mysteries–or at least her counterpart, also named Lexie, does. It’s a natural thing to take her along to promotional events where dogs are permitted. Mystie goes along for the ride whenever possible, and she steals the scene as she chases sunbeams, real or imaginary.
Arfriend, BTW, is a wonderful organization that acts as a resource guide for human and animal friends. Check out its website: http://www.arfriend.org
And, yes, I brought my own dog-sitter along for when I couldn’t pay complete attention to my pups. Fortunately, my husband Fred is a good sport and excellent pooch minder.
So… what book events have you attended lately? Which have impressed you most?
Linda O. Johnston
Linda O. Johnston is the author of 16 romance novels and several novellas, including a Nocturne Bites that is also in a current print anthology AWAKENING THE BEAST, with more Nocturnes upcoming. She also writes the Kendra Ballantyne, Pet-Sitter mystery series from Berkley Prime Crime and will soon start working on the spin-off Pet Rescue series.
So… what would you like to see me write about here? I’m asking for you to post a comment and let me know! I’d love to address what our members and other blog visitors want to hear about from me.
I’ve got lots of ideas about writing, and ideas about selling what you write, and, yes, ideas about getting ideas! I write in different genres, and I write two series (my Kendra Ballantyne, Pet-Sitter mystery series, plus my Alpha Force shapeshifter series for Silhouette Nocturne) and am about to embark on my third–a spin-off mystery series about Lauren Vancouver, pet rescuer. If you have questions about any of that, please let me know and I’ll be glad to address answers in future blog posts. Or–nearly–anything else relating to writing. Just ask, and I’ll try to oblige.
Meantime, I consider OCC an immeasurable asset to my writing. If you’re a member, you know what I’m talking about!
Linda O. Johnston
Linda O. Johnston is the author of 16 romance novels and several novellas, including a Nocturne Bites, with more Nocturnes upcoming. She also writes the Kendra Ballantyne, Pet-Sitter mystery series from Berkley Prime Crime and will soon start working on the spin-off Pet Rescue series.
Tonight is the night of the full moon.
How do I know? I looked it up. Finding out about the full moon is important to me these days, since I write a paranormal romance series for Silhouette Nocturne about Alpha Force–a covert ops military unit of shapeshifters!
Yes, my Nocturne ALPHA WOLF and the Nocturne Bites CLAWS OF THE LYNX, both published in January this year, will have sequels. Notice that the word “sequels†is plural! Already in the works is ALASKAN WOLF, which will be the next to be published. It now has a pub date: January 2011. Yes, that’s a long time away, but worth waiting for!
Meantime, I’ll be working on two more Alpha Force stories. Not to mention my Kendra Ballantyne, Pet-Sitter mystery series and its spin-off Pet Rescue series. And practicing law. And–
Well, it’s fun to be busy. But tonight I may just howl at the moon!
Linda O. Johnston
Linda O. Johnston is the author of 16 romance novels and several novellas, including a Nocturne Bites, with more Nocturnes upcoming. She also writes the Kendra Ballantyne, Pet-Sitter mystery series from Berkley Prime Crime and will soon start working on the spin-off Pet Rescue
0 0 Read moreWriters are a solitary lot. We have to be, at least to some extent. It’s not possible to be surrounded by people all the time and still create our stories. I, at least, can’t write with other people’s voices interrupting my thoughts.
But we need other people around sometimes–including other writers who understand what we’re going through during our creative process.
That’s why I’m really looking forward to our upcoming OCC meeting. The afternoon session of the meeting is all about networking with published authors. Whether you’re published or not, talk to us! Especially if you’re attending the upcoming RWA National Conference in Washington, D.C.
I’ll be at the National Conference. I hope to attend some workshops. But mostly, these days, I go there to network–with other writers, editors at the houses that publish my books, my agent… as many people as I can. It helps to inspire me.
How about you? Will you be at OCC? The RWA National Conference? Both? And what do you hope to get from them?
Linda O. Johnston
Linda O. Johnston is the author of 16 romance novels and several novellas, including a Nocturne Bites, with at least one more Nocturne upcoming. She also writes the Kendra Ballantyne, Pet-Sitter mystery series from Berkley Prime Crime.
As I mentioned in that posting, I won’t see you at OCC this month. Instead, I’ll be at the California Crime Writers Conference in Pasadena, a joint program between the local Mystery Writers of America and Sisters in Crime chapters.
The Los Angeles Romance Authors meeting, which is usually the third Sunday of the month, was moved to the same weekend, since it otherwise would occur on Father’s Day. That means I’ll miss another meeting I’d like to attend.
I blogged a few days ago for the Mid-Valley Willamette RWA Chapter’s blog site. My theme was my multiple personalities, which I cultivate because of writing in two very different genres: dark paranormal romance and light cozy mysteries. And then there’s my lawyer side.
There are times, like the second weekend of this month, that I wish I didn’t only have multiple personalities, but that I could clone myself, too, and participate in more than one event that I know I’d enjoy.
Okay, I know I’m grumbling. Part of life is having to make choices, and I’ve done so.
But I’m going to miss my romance writers’ meetings, especially this month when my Silhouette Nocturne BACK TO LIFE has been released! It’s definitely a romance, although there’s a mystery to it, too. And a very special K-9 cop heroine who has Valkyrie powers that allow her to bring some people back from the brink of death… people like the really hot SWAT-team member whose life she saves at the beginning. She becomes romantically involved with him, then realizes she might have inadvertently passed some powers along to him, too.
I’ll be at the July OCC meeting before heading to RWA National in Washington, D.C., and hope to sign BACK TO LIFE and my latest Kendra Ballantyne, Pet-Sitter mystery NEVER SAY STY at the meeting.
I won’t be grumbling then!
By the way, today is D-Day. My hugs and kudos to those who were there. My dad landed at Normandy Beach a couple of days later.
Linda O. Johnston
Linda O. Johnston is the author of 16 romance novels and several novellas, including a Nocturne Bites, with at least one more Nocturne upcoming. She also writes the Kendra Ballantyne, Pet-Sitter mystery series from Berkley Prime Crime.
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