I unfortunately won’t be at the upcoming OCC meeting. It sounds wonderful, but I’ll have family in town. And family comes first! Especially since the visitors will include my little grandson, who’s ten months old. He, and my son and d-i-l, live in Chicago.
I saw them just over a week ago, too, on a Florida trip that I blogged about in my weekly Killer Hobbies blog. Great trip, one on which I’d intended to do a lot of writing. But despite the best of intentions, I spent more time with family than writing. Since then, I’ve pretty much caught up on what I’d hoped to accomplish, which makes me even happier that I did what felt best at the time.
Will I get much writing done next week? Maybe not. But I’ve fortunately met the most compelling of my deadlines, so I can afford to have fun and spend time with family.
So how about you–does family come first, or your writing, or your day job, or other obligations? Or are you able to juggle them all so nothing is ignored?
0 0 Read moreOur February OCC meeting is next Saturday. I’m really looking forward to it–as usual. But my reasons are a little different from why I’m usually filled with anticipation.
First, there’ll be a drawing for me to provide a critique of someone’s first chapter. I always enjoy doing things like that–contributing a little bit, I hope, to encouraging someone to keep on writing.
And then there’s our program. Our all-day speaker is Patrick Brown, the Author Program Manager for Goodreads, and he will be talking about how to promote your wok on Goodreads. I need that! I’ve been a member of Goodreads for a while but haven’t adequately utilized it. I did give one book away on Goodreads once, and I receive emails on updates about people who’ve friended me on Goodreads, but I know that there are a lot of aspects of the site that I’ve never used, or have used incorrectly.
Yes, I’m one of those people who use social media, but only a few things like a page on Facebook–the “friend†kind, not the “like†kind. I blog a lot, weekly on Killer Hobbies and monthly here at A Slice of Orange. This month, I’m also starting to blog on the 18th of each month at Killer Characters–or at least my characters are. Plus, I’m currently doing a lot of guest blogs to help promote my two new releases. And I post now and then on a wonderful blog that’s run by some delightful and talented OCC members: Writers In The Storm.
But I don’t tweet, since I’m sure I’d spend too much time on Twitter. Goodreads, if I knew how to use it better, might be another good resource, though, so I’m really looking forward to learning more.
How about you? Do you participate in Goodreads? Will you be at this month’s meeting?
By the way, there won’t be a PAW meeting this month, and I usually look forward to them a lot, too. But there’s always March…
My New Year’s resolution this year is much as it is every year: I resolve not to make any New Years resolutions!
I’m happy to see the new year arrive. It’s a fresh start, of sorts. But I don’t plan to do things much differently this year from last.
I do have a lot to accomplish this year, though, with all the writing and promotion I aspire–no, intend!–to do in 2013.
I intend to meet all deadlines. I intend to learn and implement as many ways as possible to let people know about my published work–self promotion has become an integral part of my life! I intend to work on some creative directions that may not fit the mold of what I’ve already been writing. I also intend to flesh out lots of fun new ideas for some of the genres I’ve been writing in.
Hey–did I just contradict myself? Maybe intentions aren’t so different from resolutions.
One thing’s for sure. I’m resolved to attend as many OCC meetings as possible, since interacting with my friends there helps to inspire me to continue. Plus, it’s fun.
So, Happy New Year to you–and may you accomplish all your resolutions or intentions!
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A patient shares a puzzling secret with Dr. Darcy—and then someone kills her.
More info →Hawk McBride and Randi Ronin could never have expected their chance encounter would be the beginning of the rest of their lives.
More info →Three people are massacred in a beach house, a latch-key kid is fingered.
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