As usual, I had trouble coming up with a topic for today’s blog. You’d think I could plan ahead, but no. Couldn’t think of anything yesterday so I procrastinated. Then today it hit me. I HAD TO WRITE!
I’ve launched two reissues in the last couple of months, ROGUE’S HOSTAGE and LADY ELINOR’S ESCAPE. There’s a lot of work involved in self-publishing, revisions, edits, cover art, etc. And more work involved in a book launch. It seems like all I’ve been writing lately is blog posts and I just couldn’t stand it any more. Today I had to write.
I’ve been half-heartedly working on two projects, trying to fit them in in between blogs and tweets and what not. One is a sexy novella as Lyndi Lamont, and the other is a Western historical romance set after the Civil War that I started and abandoned years ago when conventional wisdom said Westerns wouldn’t sell. That’s no longer true, if it ever was, so…
Today I delved back into the Western, and it felt good to get reacquainted with my characters. I’m doing some revisions, but the story seems sound, at least so far. The main thing was, it felt good to write again, even if it is just revising. Promo can suck up so much time, esp. when you don’t have a big publishing house behind you. It’s easy to get caught up in the minutiae and forget to write.
So my apologies for this rambling, possibly incoherent blog post. But you see, I had to write today.
Linda McLaughlin
1 0 Read moreWe had a great OCC Birthday Party on Saturday though I had to leave early and missed the yummy looking cake. While there I signed up for the new online class called Muse Therapy by D. D. Scott. D.D. has given us some interesting homework assignments, and I’m going to share what I’ve learned about my muse so far.
D.D. suggested we name our muse. Mine is a 1960’s flower child, so she needed a hippie name. I considered Sunshine and Starshine, but those are both too constant for this fickle little lady. So I decided on Zephyr since she’s about as easy to pin down as a gentle breeze.
Zephyr loves: history, science fiction & fantasy, anything paranormal or New Age (astrology, Tarot cards, etc.), books, movies & music (folk, rock, New Age, movie soundtracks, some classical, a little country Western but no rap or hip hop). Music helps the two of us get anchored in a story, and I usually pick a movie soundtrack for each new book or story.
Like me, she lacks patience and stick-to-itiveness (not good traits for either a writer or a muse). Also like me, she’s easily distracted.
Zephyr loves the ocean and mountains, is OK with the desert if it’s not too hot (she really loves Sedona). Big cities are fun once in a while but too distracting. So much to do and see.
Unlike me, she doesn’t seem to have a temper, but she can sulk big time, not to mention just disappearing on me for long periods of time. It’s very passive aggressive of her, lol. She’s been AWOL for a while now, but recently made a reappearance. Problem is, every time she shows up, it’s usually with a new story idea, not how to finish the current WIP.
She’s earthy with a dirty mind as well as a potty mouth, and an active sense of humor. She does have a serious side, though, and a surprisingly formal writing voice. Or maybe that’s because it’s all filtered through my more logical brain.
What form does your muse take?
Linda McLaughlin
w/a Lyndi Lamont
ASUS, maker of the popular Eee netbook computer, is planning to enter the burgeoning e-book reader market by the end of the year. Their reader could be the first to have dual screens and, according to Slash Gear, may come in two sizes, 6-inch and 9-inch touchscreens.
According to Times Online, ASUS “confirmed last week that it is planning to shake up the market in the same way it did when it launched the first netbook — the low-cost alternative to the laptop.” Click here to read the complete article.
I love the idea of a dual-screen device, even though I’m quite used to reading on a single screen now. It would be great to not have to turn the page as often, and it might win over people who are resistant to the idea of e-book reading. Two screens would seem more like a “real” book.
So far there’s no word on what formats will be available for the device, but the cost of the device is rumored to be about $165. (Information Week, Sept. 9, 2009)
What do you think? Would an inexpensive, dual screen e-book reader tempt you?
Linda McLaughlin
w/a Lyndi Lamont
This week I started writing again after, literally, months of hibernation. That is, if you count a three-page synopsis and revisions as writing. I did spend a lot of time thinking about the project and tweaking the plot until I felt I had a complete story. I have to say, it felt good.
That’s the good news. The bad news is I was thinking about my story and not what I was going to blog about, so I have nothing. I don’t feel too bad about it though. You see, I started writing this week after a very long hiatus. 😀
Now if I can just keep up the momentum, maybe I’ll even finish the story. Wish me luck.
Linda McLaughlin
w/a Lyndi Lamont
The finalists for OCC’s 26th Annual Orange Rose Contest for Unpublished Writers were announced at the July meeting by contest chair, Charlotte Lobb.
This year’s finalists range the globe, from California to Georgia, Vancouver to Toronto, and even Australia by way of Paris.
And the finalists are:
Lecia Cotton Cornwall, Unmasking the Countess, Historical
Pamela Kopfler, Better Dead, Paranormal/Time Travel/Fantasy
Kate Frieman, Strong, Sweet & Haunting, Paranormal/Time Travel/Fantasy
Kathy Bennett, A Dozen Deadly Roses, Romantic Suspense
Gayle Link, w/a Vanessa Riley, Carriage of Honor, Historical
Laurie Thompson, A Sweet But Deadly Desire, Paranormal/Time Travel/Fantasy
Gabrielle Luthy, Learning How to Stay, Mainstream
Alison Pritchard, The Sons of Gregor MacLeod: Highland Promise, Historical
Jo Anne Banker, This Child is Mine, Contemporary
Cheryl Nagro, Love Thy Neighbor, Inpirational
Congratulations to all, and a big Thank You to Charlotte for all her hard work on the contest.
Final results will be announced at the October meeting.
Posted by Linda McLaughlin, Orange Rose Contest Electronic Entry Coordinator
“In the journey of life, love is the sweetest reward.”
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