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What Inspires And Influences My Writing?

February 12, 2025 by in category The Writing Journey by Denise Colby tagged as , , ,

I recently presented on the topic of being a published author to a group of high-schoolers at a career day event. Asked where my inspiration for my writing comes from, I didn’t have a clear-cut answer. And that made me realize I needed to pay attention to what inspires and influences my writing.

What I did tell them was read. Read, read, read. And read in the genre that you want to write in.

And that part is true.

When I read a story that I absolutely love, I’m encouraged to write a story that I would love.

At least that is what I’m finding as I’m on deadline for book number three. Since I haven’t been reading as much, I believe that is impacting my motivation. And so I went back to one of my favorite authors and started her new series, which has been in my TBR pile for a while now. I’m finding it helping to give me inspiration as I write.

What am I reading? Karen Witemeyer’s Ever After Series

But back to the original question from the high-schoolers. What inspires and influences what I write? What else could I have said to pass on inspiration to this younger generation of writers?

I think it’s going to take some time to fully create a concise answer, but I have a clearer idea now.

What inspires me to write the genre I’ve chosen?

I write historical romance. I love to read this genre, too. But where did that love of this genre come from? Why did I decide to include a one-room schoolhouse (I do know this one – and I wrote a blog about it titled: It’s the One-Room Schoolhouse’s Fault).

But other than that I haven’t thought about this at all, really, it’s just what I enjoy.

And I’ve always been fascinated with history. I have a long, rich family history in my home town, that I love to research. My great, great, great grandfather was a mountain man (imagine finding a mention of him in Misty M. Beller’s book The Lady and the Mountain Man. Which I wrote about in another blog post called Finding Family Mentioned in A Novel.

Anyway, as you can see, many of these things have shaped my writing. And then I was in the check-out line at CVS this past weekend. And I bought this.

Denise M. Colby's writing has been influenced by her childhood favorites including Little house on the Prairie

The influence of my childhood favorites in my writing

I had a review mention that my stories had a Little House on the Prairie vibe to it.

There was a good reason.

I grew up watching this show and reading the Little House books (I’ve read them all). Those and Janette Oke’s Love Comes Softly and When Calls the Heart Series have inspired and influenced my writing even though I didn’t really realize it until recently. (interesting note: all had one-room schoolhouse’s in them).

So before I started writing this post, I brewed some tea and started to read through the magazine. I’m not even a few pages in and multiple thoughts are popping up in my brain. There’s a difference between real life and fiction. Actors and their experiences versus what their characters express in a story (move, tv, theater, book). Which is sort of what reading a book does. Escape into a different reality.

As a young girl, I had no idea about what an actor was. And it didn’t matter to me. I grew up watching Melissa Gilbert play Laura. I grew up seeing Laura as a girl near the same age as me experiencing all the emotions life brings out of us. And watching her pa encourage her, and have faith in her. Which encouraged me.

Isn’t this what our stories are about? Writing worlds and characters our readers can relate to and enjoy and want to be friends with. A chance to be encouraged, inspired, and loved on when taking a break from the real world with a good book.

It’s a good reminder as I finish this post and jump back to the next scene in my manuscript.

A few final thoughts on characters from stories we love

One of the things I have learned about myself is that I like to immense myself into my storyworld and feel all the feels, and write as if I’m the character I’m writing. I think this is why I love to have my characters write their own story a bit. They are real to me. Just like the characters in the books from Laura Ingalls Wilder inspire and influence my writing as well.

I’m glad I bought the magazine. I normally don’t. But I was looking for some extra encouragement and motivation. What I found was a reminder of what’s inside of me and where that came from. Now I need to figure out how to channel it to finish my story.

Do you know what inspires you and your writing?

Is there a specific book or show that resonated with you or that you pull from when you write?

Is there a genre of shows that influenced what you read and write?

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Taking Part in a 12-Month Long Book Club

January 12, 2025 by in category The Writing Journey by Denise Colby tagged as , ,

I’m sharing my word for 2025 in my newsletter first, so I decided for my January post to discuss the 12-month long book club I’m a part of.

This year, I’m one of twelve authors who formed a year long book club. Each month one of us will be featured with the book we’ve selected for all to read. Then there’s a zoom call the third week of the month to discuss and interview the author. My book, When Plans Go Awry, will be featured in November.

The list of authors participating in the Readers Comfy Porch Book Club for 2025

Our responsibilities as an author

  • Promote the 12-month book club in our monthly newsletter and on social media. 
  • Participate in the facebook group page – Readers Comfy Porch Book Club
  • Read the book
  • Attend the zoom call

There are several new to me things about this book club

  • I’ve never been a part of a book club before. As a reader, I’m excited to participate
  • Many of these authors are new to me and I haven’t read their books before
  • My book is new to them as well and their readers
  • I would imagine over the 12 months, we will form some amazing bonds

I’m excited to have been asked to participate in this 12-month book club for several reasons. Now that I have a published book I can contribute to these types of opportunities. With two releases coming out in 2025, I will be able to share and promote all three of my books throughout the year. I can also support other authors by reading their books and building new relationships with all of them. 

I do feel a little overwhelmed because I need to up my newsletter game and deliver one each month. This is yet another reason I’m glad to be a part of this group because of the accountability and the commitment to do all the things an author needs to to support our books.

January’s Book Pick

Our first book we will be reading and discussing is Tamelia Adam’s The Filbert Ridge Miracle

The January pick for the readers comfy porch book club is The Filbert Ridge Miracle by Tamelia Aday

Tamelia is already sharing posts in the Facebook group, and we will have our zoom meeting on January 23, 2025. Will be a fun gathering.

I’ll check in later in the year on another blog post and let you know how this 12 month long book club is going. You are all welcome to join us. Just check out the Readers Comfy Porch Book Club Facebook Group page.

Denise loves to share about her writing journey (see all her posts here), including her word of the year, her novel When Plans Go Awry, and all the things in between. You can visit her at her website and blog at or on her facebook or instagram. Please note: some links include Amazon Associate links where Denise can earn from qualifying purchases.

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When SEO Works The Way It Should

December 12, 2024 by in category The Writing Journey by Denise Colby tagged as , ,

I wanted to share a fun full circle moment. It has to do with the SEO I created in a 2019 blog post on my own website. And a current search in 2024. The SEO worked the way it should. Which is why I titled this blog post When SEO Works The Way It Should.

Blog header with the title When SEO works the way it should by Denise M. Colby

Here’s what happened.

My youngest son had been helping me search for Christmas stockings on his own computer. We want to find one to match our current style. What we have are all Disney themed and have a character head at the top.

My husband and I first got our Christmas stockings the year we were married, which was 1995. A few years later, after our first son was born, we were able to add to the original set. We decided to purchase all that we could find for future children. We have six stockings in the set, with one being used for the dog.

In 2019, I had written a blog post about my favorite decorations at Christmas time. I mention the history behind our stockings and included a picture of our stockings. I added alt text for the photo and named it before uploading it. Other decorations are mentioned in the blog post, but it’s the stockings that are relevant to today’s post.

Flash forward back to 2024. When my son and I were googling Mickey Christmas stockings 1995, my blog post from 2019 popped up. It was a full circle moment. And it shows that if you spend the time setting up your SEO well, people will find your blog posts. This means it’s important to use phrases for your alt text on your images people would search by.

Why is Denise talking about SEO?

Denise loves to share learnings about blog and website SEO. She teaches classes on SEO and author branding as well. One of her blog posts is titled Why SEO Should Matter to An Author. Sign up for her Marketing for Authors newsletter on her website.

Denise loves to share about her writing journey (see all her posts here), including her word of the year (this year it is GROW), her debut novel When Plans Go Awry, and all the things in between. You can visit her at her website and blog at or on her facebook or instagram. Please note: some links include Amazon Associate links where Denise can earn from qualifying purchases.

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Loads of Writing Fun at ScrivCon 2024 Writers Conference

November 12, 2024 by in category The Writing Journey by Denise Colby tagged as , ,

I just came home from the ScrivCon 2024 Writers Conference that was held in Hot Springs, Arkansas. This is the first official large scale conference by Scrivenings Press, who happens to be my publisher. I loved being able to meet my publisher in person and be able to meet fellow authors and build a camaraderie with them. I also thoroughly enjoyed all the sessions.

Denise Colby's badge from ScrivCon 2024 Writers Conference

Great Speakers At ScrivCon Writers Conference Means Active Learning

Angela Hunt gave the keynote, as well as our early-bird session. She shared many of her tips and experiences through her forty years of publishing. I especially liked her Plot Skeleton. It’s a simple way to figure out your basic plot and outline of your new novel. She also discussed her different drafts and what she accomplishes during each one. Now that I’ve published a novel, I feel like this content hits differently for me and is something I can relate to and apply to future manuscripts.

She’s produced several small booklets including one on the Plot Skeleton for writers. Others include Creating ExtraOrdinary Characters, and Evoking Emotion. Take a look. There are others. They may be a great new resource for you. It was super cool for me to connect the dots that she wrote the Tale of Three Trees. One of my kids favorite books we would read at Christmas and Easter.

Denise M. Colby with Author Angela Hunt at ScrivCon 2024
Denise M. Colby with Author Angela Hunt

Other topics at the ScrivCon 2024 Writers Conference included dialogue, productivity, setting, software, book marketing, and so much more. My brain is overflowing.

Fellowship At ScrivCon Writers Conference Builds Connection

Scrivenings Press holds monthly zoom meetings, which has been a great way to meet and learn about other authors and their projects. But meeting them in person has something zoom can’t provide. It was fun to meet face to face, share about our writing, discuss struggles, and brainstorm during the genre breakout one night.

A banquet was held on the last night, where awards for editor of the year, best book of the year, as well as the GetPubbed and Novel Starts contest winners. A fabulous way to celebrate a year of hard work.

Authors at the ScrivCon 2024 Banquet Gala including Denise M. Colby, Lori DeJong, Donna Wichelman, Teresa Wells, Lynn Watson

Explore and Learn About History

I love National Parks and Hot Springs has one of the smallest national parks in it. It’s related to bath houses and the natural springs that bubble up hot water. It was fun to walk on the promenade, explore the museum, and have a root beer float made with the natural spring water. There is also a gangster museum since Hot Springs is where Al Capone would go to hide out sometimes. Hot Springs apparantly has some baseball history as well, with several signs marking the spots for a walking tour related to the sport.

I can’t wait to jump in and utilize all that I’ve learned from this conference. And I look forward to staying in touch with all my new writer friends as well.

Denise loves to share about her writing journey (see all her posts here), including her word of the year (this year it is GROW), her debut novel When Plans Go Awry, and all the things in between. You can visit her at her website and blog at or on her facebook or instagram. Please note: some links include Amazon Associate links where Denise can earn from qualifying purchases.

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Book Two is Finished, Here’s What I learned This Go Around

October 12, 2024 by in category The Writing Journey by Denise Colby tagged as , , ,

I wanted to call this post ‘Writerly Thoughts about Writerly Things’ because my mind is all over the place after focusing the past three months on finishing book two. But as I let my mind write out my thoughts, they all circled around the idea that book two is complete and I learned a lot this go around.

Blog header titled Book Two Finished, here's what I learned this go around by Denise M. Colby

Writing a book on deadline is a completely different experience

I just completed and submitted my second ever manuscript to my publisher. I had to be organized, set a writing schedule, and keep going even when I wasn’t sure what I should write next. My original rough draft was messy and even though I felt solid about the characters I had flushed out, I had written it years ago, before I published book one. And book one had changed—a lot. Which made many scenes in book two unusable. But I had to read through it all again before I figured that out. Once I let go of my old writing, I was able to write a different story, one that I believe was better. 

picture of the title page of Denise M. Colby's finished book two A Slight Change of Plans

Book two would not be finished without my critique group

There honesty and encouragement kept me going. They asked questions, pointed out inconsistencies in the timeline, and held me accountable to my characters. Would she really say that? I don’t think he would respond that way. I’m just so thankful for them. It makes this entire journey more enjoyable and fun.

Denise M. Colby with her critique partners helped finish book two
Denise M. Colby with two of her critique group members, Kimberly Keagan and Marie Wells Coutu

I was able to meet them in person at the Faith, Hope, Love, Writers Conference in Phoenix at the end of September. We do pretty well with email. Having an opportunity to talk live about writing and our stories was an extra special treat. 

I could not have completed my manuscript without writing sprints with other authors

There’s a group that started them back in July and I joined in to help me be focused and write. It did that and well. (So well, I gave myself tendonitis in my arms from too much typing between writing this book and my day job – but that’s another story). The group still meets and I’m so glad to have this focused time for my writing. I don’t like getting up early in the am for it, but it helps to know there’s people on zoom and I want to be there.

Knowing there’s another book in the series still to come 

The decisions I made for these first two books impact what I can do in the next. Things like choosing names. For some reason I was sticking to last names that started with m, and had similar sounds. It was important to catch that now before going to print, so I didn’t regret it when I write the next story. It was actually my critique group that helped catch that for me.

I’m having fun writing in this story world I’ve created

One of the things that helped me this time around was talking with readers about my characters from book one, When Plans Go Awry. They shared with me their favorites, and what they liked and had questions on. It really stayed at the front of my mind when writing book two. In my rough draft, Bert, my crazy rooster, didn’t exist yet. But he has by far stolen the show in book one and being able to write more of him in book two was so much fun. I hope my readers think so too.

Denise M. Colby swag from her Best-laid plans series bert the rooster book one book two
Bert the rooster will make a return appearance in book two

What comes next after finishing book two?

Working on deadline and writing an entire book is no joke. I had to say no to several things, ignore my family a bit, and work hard at not getting distracted by home stuff, including the dog. Now I’m playing catchup on things at home, mentally jumping into the projects we need to finish in our yard and house.

I like the new schedule I have and want to keep that time for anything writing related (like writing this blog). It’s amazing how fast time goes by. Besides writing books, as an author I have other writerly things to do including working on my website, posting on my author social media, writing blogs and newsletters, and brainstorming for the next book. I’d love to create a VIP section on my website for my newsletter subscribers. And continue building my word of the year pages—something near and dear to my heart. This year my word is grow, and I think I have definitely done a lot of that.

So many things, but some will have to wait as I have another deadline early next year for book three.

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