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Happy St. Patrick’s Day…….

March 17, 2009 by in category Archives

That’s right, it’s the day for all those Irish and those who wish they were, to celebrate!
And, since it’s a lucky day as well, today is the perfect day to sit down and go over those contest entries. Read through your work again, give it another polish, check for over used words and plot holes.
Then, start something new. As for me, yesterday I finished a synopsis for my next Desire and today I’m starting work on a novella.
Don’t sit around waiting for something good to happen, run out there and MAKE it happen. Do a new proposal, brainstorm with friends, enter a contest or submit to an agent.
With the luck of the Irish surrounding you, may you all be blessed with good health, great joy and many, many sales!
Maureen Child is the author of more than 100 romance novels and novellas. At the moment, she’s at work on a novella for Harlequin.
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Driving With Minnie

March 16, 2009 by in category The Romance Journey by Linda Mclaughlin tagged as ,

The modern world is increasingly wired, or wireless. A new gadget came into my life recently, a Garmin GPS unit I’ve affectionately dubbed Minnie. My DH bought her for me a couple of weeks ago after Janet Corenlow Quinn and I decided to drive to Las Vegas for the recent EPICon2009 Conference. The DH seemed convinced I’d manage to get lost without him, so he bought the GPS unit. He’d been talking about getting one for some time now, and this made for a good excuse. Minnie is the ultimate back seat driver, and she can be very helpful or very annoying. Her directions helped us navigate through Henderson to our hotel, the Montelago Village Resort, a lovely property situated in a faux Tuscan village at Lake Las Vegas. Click here for a slideshow of my Vegas pictures at my blog.

The perverse part of my nature delights in foiling Minnie by not following directions. I love to hear her grumble, “Recalculating, recalculating” in her computer-generated voice. Sunday morning I turned her on to go to Wal-Mart in San Clemente because I knew there was a back way through the hills. Minnie, of course, expected me to take the freeway and Avenida Pico. She had to do a lot of recalculating. I also discovered that while Minnie is fluent in English and French (this model works only in the US and Canada), her Spanish pronunciation is atrocious. And of course the streets in the area were all Spanish. I had to wait until I got to an intersection to figure out which street she wanted me to turn on. Every Calle became a Call. Every avenida became an a-VEN-i-da. My favorite was Call Delay Pazz (Calle de la Paz). By the time I pulled into the Wal-Mart lot she was quite flustered and kept saying, “go to A-VEN-ida Pico” even though we’d arrived at the programmed destination. Obviously, the technology isn’t perfect. I’m happy to have Minnie, but sometimes I just want to turn her off.

What’s your favorite new gadget?

Linda McLaughlin / Lyndi Lamont

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“Romance in the Backseat” Video Project with Terry Kate: Part 2

March 11, 2009 by in category Archives tagged as

Romance in the Backseat

by Jina Bacarr

Attention: published authors in the OC/LA area: Have you contacted Terry Kate about your chance to film an author interview in the backseat of a car?

You haven’t, why not?

Don’t be skittish–a friend or your better half can drive while Terry films. C’mon, go for it!! Terry is looking for pubbed authors who are willing to read an excerpt and talk about their books (she’s going for a PG-13 rating). Nothing HBO-ish here, just fun, romantic videos for your fans to enjoy.

On deadline? No excuse. I’m finishing “The Blonde Samurai” with one hand and writing this with the other, but Terry is scheduling my video when I’m deadline-free. She’s great to work with and has a real passion for what she does.

Terry has already filmed OCC authors Jackie Diamond Hyman and Linda Wisdom.

Why not you next?

According to her website, Terry says: “The video of the full interview will be on a website dedicated to the project, shorter teaser pieces (45 sec to 1 min) will be an opportunity to grab attention. Make it personal, fun, funny, and most importantly personal. I want this to be a forum where authors are allowed to express themselves more freely then a formal interview and have fun with the project. What often draws me to buying a new author is the excerpt at the back of a book. An option for the longer interview piece is to introduce the story, then read a few pages. Fans go to hear authors read all the time and new readers/viewers will be drawn in.”

Her site launches soon, don’t delay! You can get more info about her project here.

I’m looking forward to filming my video, so don’t miss out.

Email Terry today at:

And now back to our regularly scheduled deadline…


Follow me on Twitter:

Jina Bacarr is the author of The Blonde Geisha , Naughty Paris, Tokyo Rendezvous, a Spice Brief, and Spies, Lies & Naked Thighs, featuring an Indiana Jones in high heels.

Coming in April 2009:

Cleopatra’s Perfume

“One whiff and every man was her slave.”

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The Best Story Ideas

March 8, 2009 by in category Archives

Have you noticed that some authors always seem to have great ideas for their books? By which I mean, you read a one-line description of the story (or maybe a couple of sentences) and you think, ‘Wow, I want to read that!’

Other authors, I might love their books and buy every single one, but I don’t necessarily fall in love with their ideas. I read the book confident that I’ll fall in love with the story, but the idea never jumped up and grabbed me by the throat.

The best ideas don’t necessarily have to be out-there ideas like The Time Traveler’s Wife, or some of Jodi Picoult’s books (though out-there is great, too). I’m thinking about, in romance fiction, a story that might fit right in with the genre’s conventions, yet something about the idea grabs me and makes me think I want to read that book. (Being a writer, I usually also think, “Darn, I wish I’d thought of that,’ but I’m trying to be a better person and get over that) 🙂

So, who do I rely on for consistently “wow” ideas? Every Jennifer Weiner book I’ve read, I’ve fallen in love with the idea (Good in Bed, Goodnight Mr. Nobody etc). Susan Mallery (I’m thinking Falling for Gracie and others) and Kristan Higgins (Catch of the Day and Too Good to be True)…more great ideas gals. In young adult fiction, Meg Cabot consistently comes up with those I-love-it ideas (Princess Diaries is an oldie but a goody, plus How to be Popular, Airhead, etc).

Tell me which authors you think consistently write stories based around a great idea, or a great hook, and I’ll check them out!

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March 7, 2009 by in category Archives



Geralyn Ruane

Do you know anyone who belongs to a restricted country club? I don’t, and I would be appalled to find out that I did. The idea of enjoying rights others are so flagrantly denied smacks of Nazism, fascism, racism and hate.

Yeah, I think everyone in California should boycott marriage. Everyone. Until everyone has the right.

Though she makes her film debut in Daryl From OnCar, our winsome blogger adores same-sex romantic movies such as Latter Days and Imagine Me and You . Geralyn co-hosts the radio show Better Times After 50 on and her short story “Jane Austen Meets the New York Giants” is published in the New York Times Bestselling anthology The Right Words at the Right Time, Volume 2.

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