Daily Archives: September 26, 2024

Home > Daily Archives: September 26, 2024

Hurricane by Neetu

September 26, 2024 by in category Poet's Day by Neetu Malik tagged as , , ,


last night’s hurricane  blew the roof off
pieces of felt lay on the street like bits of rubber tires
blown off a moving car         mundane occurrences
don’t matter     insurance will cover damages    it’s
only stuff                 replaceable in all events    except
life that breathes skin that is drenched in the rain or tears
the hand that held yours when others crept away    and you
were             alone          looking at the leaky ceiling     with
the roof partly gone   streaks of cloud visible perhaps       none
of  the storm strikes you as odd     just the leaking heart you hear    
drip         drip        drip

© Neetu Malik

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