Daily Archives: September 10, 2024

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A Cozy Corner for Books and Pens

September 10, 2024 by in category Writing

I find it fascinating to learn where other authors write. I know friends who prefer coffee shops, the library, or even the beach, and I’ll admit, I tend to be more productive when I leave the house…no laundry to do, or dishes to put away. But I’m kind of a homebody, so I prefer to write at home.

When the weather is nice, I’ve been known to write on the patio, or our rooftop deck, when we lived in a townhouse overlooking the harbor and ocean a few years back. I’ve had a desk in the bedroom when the boys lived at home, and at times a little office of my own.

For years, I’ve dreamed of a home library. A place for all my books. A place to close the door and immerse myself in the pages of a new story…one I’m reading, or writing. In homes where I had an office, I also had a couple of bookshelves. I’d longingly refer to it as ‘my library’. 

Some of you know, Hunky Hubby and I recently moved to Arizona, and I finally have a real library. It’s not finished. My new dream is to make the closet into a reading nook stuffed with pillows, and a more book storage, because of course, I have MORE BOOKS! But I’m happy with it as is. 

One bookcase houses autographed books. They’re not all unpacked yet, but every book on the shelf is signed by the author.

The next bookcase holds vintage books, and my own books.

Then more novels, again, not all are unpacked, followed by a full bookcase of cookbooks. That’s right. Just cookbooks. For years, I wrote a food column for The Antelope Valley Press, and then Quick ‘n Easy Cooking magazine. This is a small number of the cookbooks I’ve collected over the years. Next to the cookbooks you’ll find reference books, then my desk.

The picture over the desk represents two of the main characters in the 1920’s book that I’m writing. In fact, I’m going for a vintage feel in the room. (I don’t actually use the vintage typewriter, but I love the way it looks.)

So, when you can’t find me, I’ll be, hiding in the library with a good book, or writing. I’d love to hear where you like to read…or write.

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