Daily Archives: July 11, 2024

Home > Daily Archives: July 11, 2024

The Ophans of Berlin speak French and me, too, in my videos by Jina Bacarr

July 11, 2024 by in category historical, Jina’s Book Chat, Paris, sexual assault, sexual violence, World War 2, Writing tagged as , , , , , , , ,

 Once upon another lifetime, I was hired by Universal Studios as a tour guide for French and German tourists. I still have my Universal ID and parking pass…

So when my Boldwood Books ‘The Orphans of Berlin’ was translated into French by City-Editions, well, I couldn’t resist giving it a Parisian try…

I made a bunch of videos in French. Voila! Here are the links to my FACEBOOK page and story to see them.



Sisters of the Resistance I is off to the proofreader!

Writing the sequel to ‘Sisters At War’ (Paris WW2 — the story of two sisters and how sexual assault on a sister by the SS affects both their lives),

It’s also the story of the women of the French Resistance.

LINK to more info on Sisters At War and Sisters of the Resistance





Sisters At War:

US https://a.co/d/eZ25gZb      

UK https://amzn.eu/d/0LEWy2z

Who are the Beaufort Sisters?

They’re beautiful

They’re smart

They’re dangerous

They’re at war with the Nazis… and each other.

BONUS The Orphans of Berlin in French

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