Daily Archives: February 12, 2018

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Dating Lessons from WALL-E

February 12, 2018 by in category The Writing Journey by Denise Colby tagged as , , ,

Dating Lessons From Wall-e | Denise M. Colby | A Slice of Orange


Dating Lessons from Wall-e


With Valentine’s Day around the corner, I thought covering a special Disney couple would be fun. Our family loves all Disney movies and WALL-E is no exception. We’ve watched it several times and the last time, several things struck me about the way WALL-E and EVE find their Happily Ever After. So I started writing down what I observed. Yes, they are cute and all the antics are quite entertaining, but with three teenage boys in my house, I asked myself would I want them to follow WALL-E’s path to love?


 Approach a girl and she fires at you, ignores you and then breaks your things.

Show her something beautiful and she takes it and doesn’t give it back.

♥ Try to teach her to dance and she throws you against the wall.

♥ Be romantic and get no response. Zip. Zilch. Natta.

♥ Try to hold her hand and get hurt in the process.

♥ Chase her and she’ll carry you out of your world.

♥ Help her save her world and lose yourself in the process

♥ And then finally, she rushes to save you. And when she kisses you – the spark is large enough that your old self comes back again.

I love it when Eve finally sees all that Wall-e does for her and how it changes her view of him. We all want someone to see the true us. And love us for who we are. Wall-e never wavers in his caring for Eve. And in the end, they both grow and change and open their hearts and find their Happily Ever After.

I think the stories we write are a lot like this. Our poor characters are pushed and pulled through some rough times, but in the end they change and grow and their world is a better place because of that.

I’m just not sure I want to watch my boys go through all that in real life…well, maybe if they find someone who loves them as they are and brings out the best in them and they have a happily ever after. Then, maybe I would.

Happy Writing & Happy Valentine’s Day Blessings!
Denise M. Colby

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