Of Answers About Novel Excerpts On Websites
Since my March post on A Slice of Orange, I have finished my dark paranormal romance novel. Woo-hoo! I’m thrilled to read on paper what has possessed my thoughts for months.
This story, its characters…Sigh. I can’t even count how many times my hero and heroine moved me to type as the tears stung my eyes then grin and break out into laughter as they got to know one another; how many times my neck stiffened from the tension held there because I feared for their lives as they fought the evil encroaching on the village; and how with a simple touch or a courageous deed, they made me fall devotedly in love over and over. Yes, I’m passionate about this book, and I’m just as excited to start the proposals for the next two in trilogy as well. I can’t wait!
But right now, I’m polishing my synopsis and query letter for this one so I can send this baby out…And I’ve got to tell you, it was easier writing the book than writing this synopsis! (It’s coming along, though…I think. No, it really is. Maybe. Argh. LOL)
I do have some questions for all of you, published and unpublished, and any comments and suggestions are most welcome. 🙂
* What do you think about unpublished writers posting excerpts of their stories on their websites? See, I hadn’t considered this when I was querying agents or editors before with a historical romance. But, with this paranormal, I’m thinking I should…and I’m curious as to your opinion about doing so.
Pros and Cons?
1. If you say yes, then would you put up the first couple of chapters? Or a writing sample from somewhere else in the story?
2. If you say no, then what are your reasons behind that decision?
3. Any other thoughts?
I look forward to reading your answers! Thanks!
Michele Cwiertny writes dark paranormal romance set in a fictional town in Maine (her favorite place in the world). To find out more about her, please visit her website, michelecwiertny.com, or her personal blog, Michele’s Writing Corner.
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