Of Inspiration and Answers
Yep, I’m looking forward to reading your answers…
How many of you are able to write stories set in the area where you live? I bet there are a lot of you out there. And if you’re one of them, I just have to say…Luuuucky. 🙂
Yeah, I don’t happen to be one of those writers. That is to say, my stories tend to have more energy, more vibrance when they’re set somewhere else, such as in another state, in another country, or even in a different time period. Sure, I can write a story set in California as long as it’s a historical. But a contemporary? Well, let’s just say the thought of poking needles in my eyes almost—ALMOST–seems preferable to the amount of revising I have to do in order to make the scenes come alive for me. It’s ugly. ::shudder::
But why? Why? WHY?! I’d love to be able to put to use what I already know about a fantastic location, especially one where I’ve lived nearly my entire life, one that has so much to offer—one like…oh, say, Orange County? I mean, that only makes sense, right?
Sigh. I guess I’m just a slave to my characters. Right now, they refuse to talk to me if I force them to stay here in contemporary Southern California. LOL!
So, what about you?
1. Are you inspired by your surroundings?
2. Do you prefer to write about locations outside of where you live?
3. Do you do both?
4. Do you think I need therapy for being a slave to my characters?
Can’t wait to hear from you!
Michele Cwiertny writes dark paranormal romance set waaaaay on the other side of the country…Seriously, nowhere near Orange County, CA (just in case her characters are reading this). To find out more about her writing, please visit www.michelecwiertny.com and her blog, Michele’s Writing Corner.
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