by Sue Phillips
How many volunteers does it take to run a chapter? A dozen? Two dozen? Not OCC. At the January meeting, over fifty (50!) volunteers were invited to the front of the room to be recognized by a round of applause and an appreciation gift! Every one of these volunteers is an integral part of the success of our chapter. Some of them work at our meetings. Others do their work at home, juggling time with jobs and family.
Our OCC motto is “One hand reaching forward, and one hand reaching back, in a continuing chain.†I might add that we also have many hands reaching out to lift a box, make a cup of coffee, run a committee, coordinate a contest, stuff an envelope, and donate a raffle basket or a critique. Together, they share the enormous workload of one of the largest chapters in our industry.
While it was a difficult task to limit the list to only eight, the OCC board presents the nominees for the 2007 Chrystal Cashero Award for Volunteer of the Year:
Jina Bacarr (Podcasts)
Kitty Bucholtz (Online class coordinator/moderator)
Jen (Crooks) Bullington (Orange Rose Contest Coordinator)
Helene Esteves (Used Books Sales)
Peggy Mansur (Used Books Sales)
Lori Pyne (Book Buyers’ Best Contest Coordinator, Online Class Moderator & Guest Reception Coordinator)
Charlene Sands (Ask-An-Author Coordinator)
Lisa Valdez (1st Chapter Critique Coordinator)
Congratulations to all of our nominees. Voting by the general members will take place at the February meeting. The recipient will be announced at the March meeting.
Since joining OCC in 1985, I have been asked why I continue to volunteer. As corny as it may sound, I have always answered that I like the idea that, in my own small way, I have helped a fellow writer reach for and hopefully attain her/his dream to be published. Every time I hear of an OCC member who has finaled in a contest, had a manuscript requested by an agent or editor, or got “THE callâ€, I am so happy for them. I like to believe that this chapter has helped, has made a difference. My contribution – no matter how big or how small – is about helping this chapter to continue to support writers, to give them a place to share their personal stories of joy and heartache. Some will publish, some won’t. There is no guarantee anyone will sell a book. But whether or not it happens, our chapter is here for them, encouraging them to keep writing, keep trying. And I’m proud to be a part of it.
Are you a volunteer? If so, what is it in you that raises your hand and offers to help?
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